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for DXD Sharingan Dragon Slayer

12/1/2016 c13 fenixrojo36
11/24/2016 c1 dat boi
omg yahs harambe speaks duh truth.
11/24/2016 c13 Harambe
love ur fics bro, get so hyped whenever i see a new chapter is up!
btw as weird as it is you should do a christmas special of something :P
11/23/2016 c13 3PersonaQeminod1
I think that Koneko know what happen to be milk was not from the bottle due to he cat sense and might want to try that with Itachi's milk too. Hope that Koneko learn from the flashback too.
11/23/2016 c13 youngdrgn
I believe you did a pretty good job with the chapter. Keep up the good work, I can't wait for the next chapter.
11/13/2016 c12 PersonaQeminod1
Go with option A and I hope that some down time peace well go into the next chapter after that little event happen like looking back into the past or something
11/13/2016 c12 1ssjbluegohan
Give itachi the rinne-sharingan full power
11/13/2016 c12 2Damien Falls
Option B best buddy, only because mystic eye Powers are kind of Itachi's thing.
11/13/2016 c12 10Shadow Itachi Uchiha
great chapter! I very much enjoyed it. Also as long as Itachi becomes the strongest, it's fine with me lol as for Michael maybe option B since the story already posses someone with eye power(Itachi), maybe Itachi should get a rinnegan. So Michael should get option B have his hair turn white or silver and longaybe like Sephiroths. well can't wait for the next chapter. it'll be funny seeing how Xenovia will try to make babies with Itachi lol
11/10/2016 c11 2duked
This is a good fanfic in general, but this Itachi is alittle bit too foolish for my taste. It is as if he has lost all his cunning from his former life.
11/4/2016 c11 youngdrgn
Thx for the chapter.
11/3/2016 c11 3PersonaQeminod1
Nice job. Mind have everyone see someone past on what his action to save his brother so we can have that finally out of his chest after see Kiba being free from the past.
10/20/2016 c3 Kshail
Hm. Bit iffy about him going on a journey like this. I can see the reasoning for a plot perspective though. Would of have been better if it was him checking in once or twice a year or something like that. Hope Itachi doesn't pull something like showing up for the Rating Game during the last possible moments. Also with this he doesn't really bond with the rest of the peerage.
10/20/2016 c10 Guest
Just give Xenovia to Itachi. She's been with Issei long enough.
10/19/2016 c2 Kshail
Eh interesting premise but you lost me with someone else having the Sharingan. It kind of ruins your premise of Itachi deserving a second chance. I don't think any other character with the Sharingan deserves a second chance quite like Itachi. So yeah maybe it could be an interesting plotline but not for me at least.
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