Just In
for DXD Sharingan Dragon Slayer

10/4/2016 c7 3PersonaQeminod1
Great job on what you did. Hope thr news of Crow retirement reachs them soon.
10/3/2016 c7 Great Saiyaman54
Add Irina and Xenovia to Issei's harem.
10/3/2016 c7 Great Saiyaman54
Have Itachi train Issei. Add Irina and Xenovia to the harem
9/28/2016 c6 ShredX01
I was expecting Itachi to "join" the terrorist faction in the underworld similar to being in the akatsuki, but oh well lol. Still a great crossover ;)
9/25/2016 c6 PersonaQeminod1
Alright. Great job on the fight there, hope that Riser get what he gets.
9/25/2016 c4 1dragonfighter11
This story is so cliche it hurts, sorry but I can't read anymore of it.
8/24/2016 c4 16FluffySheepLion
Beginning of the phenex arc
8/24/2016 c1 ColdxCold
This is so bad lol plz stop. Itachi isn't in character, the elemental nation definitely had movies and TV. They were up to date with most technology. They just didn't use it because they had no need. I haven't read any other chapters but I have a feeling you are going to have him not know what guns are but they had them too. Kishimoto himself said they didn't need guns because the average ninja could throw a kiba I faster than a bullet and move faster than them.
8/23/2016 c3 FatherofMurder
It's good I like the way it's going so please update it soon or when ever you can.
8/1/2016 c1 Mango eater 24
Pls stop its bad
8/1/2016 c1 guest27
of course there's no lemon. it's itachi we're talking about...whoever expect lemon out of a fic that has itachi as mc in it, are retard...unless you make him ooc.
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