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for DXD Sharingan Dragon Slayer

12/30/2018 c15 19Jabari the Goat Sage
Lowkey, having an OC that's more OP than the MC is kind of annoying. I want my MC to be the only OP character in the story.
11/6/2018 c22 Guest
Ah very clever using that same testing scenario from Star Wars Clone Wars series.
10/6/2018 c26 I10smasher
I wanted to comment and say I loved your story. I basically just recently found it and binge read it. I haven't read about many Itachi stories and it was great. I feel like you really wrote his character well. I don't know if you're still updating so I'll follow the story just in case.
10/5/2018 c1 dragonfox123
Interesting chapter and plot and idea
9/1/2018 c26 Senritran19
Please update soon and add Yasaka to Itachi Harem please think about it!
8/30/2018 c3 Tempest-Rage
welp, your OC is too strong
8/30/2018 c3 Tempest-Rage
ohh so the OC is 'Michael-san' huh, AkenoxOC in summary~
8/15/2018 c1 Mile De
nice lol
whats dragon...?!what?
6/24/2018 c1 Tasty Food
Hey, when will Gabriel appear. I've seen her name on Itachi's harem list, but you've never introduced her in this story. Please add her in fast. On the other hand, nice job with all your stories, they r a joy to read. Keep up the good work and update often!
6/20/2018 c26 Senritran19
please add Yasaka to Itachi harem
6/20/2018 c1 Senritran19
Please think about add Yasaka to Itachi harem.
6/4/2018 c26 Shirou Uzumaki
please update and add Yasaka to Itachi harem.
6/4/2018 c26 Shirou Uzumaki
Add Rossweisse Itachi Harem please
5/4/2018 c26 4tymaxion
Excited for the next chapter, very entertaining story!
4/25/2018 c26 andresskorskiruiz
I love your stories! Can you write a fic Itachi x Esdeath? (akame ga kill)
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