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for DXD Sharingan Dragon Slayer

4/9/2018 c1 Don FenrikIvanov
Why does he act like a kid? Easily trust a dragon to even call it father in a few minutes?lacking observation he should have had? Too carefree in an unknown place? Even in his childhood days in konoha he’s not that talkative and full of questions. This is NOT Itachi at all. This seems good but I came here for Itachi, and you’re not really doing a good job portraying him so far.
4/7/2018 c26 VxgonlaX
3/27/2018 c3 Califhanger
A black Cloak in the Desert, he would be cooked in the sun.
3/7/2018 c26 Guest
Omg yahs Gaim no Kaze speaks the truth!
3/7/2018 c26 9Gaim no Kaze
this was awesome! A bit sad Tannin died tho... keep up the good work
3/4/2018 c26 Harambe
The dragon susanoo was a stroke of genius.
2/18/2018 c1 Guest
Please hurry and update
1/25/2018 c1 Klexxsny
This could be better if all the Weeb was not in it
1/20/2018 c3 5ajormetrix
Why sometimes you write poke?
1/14/2018 c9 kynan99
Thanks for the chapter.

Sona and her female peerage members for harem.

Serafall for harem.
1/14/2018 c8 kynan99
Thanks for the chapter

Sona and her female peerage members for harem.

Serafall for harem.
1/14/2018 c7 kynan99
Thanks for the chapter.

Sona and her female peerage members for harem.

Serafall for harem .
1/14/2018 c6 kynan99

Sona and her female peerage members for harem.

Serafall for harem.
1/14/2018 c5 kynan99

Sona and her female peerage members for harem.

Serafall for harem
1/14/2018 c4 kynan99

Sona and her female peerage members for harem.
Serafall too.
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