Just In
for MVP

6/23/2019 c7 alainaroullier
This is just nuts! One misunderstanding after another.
6/23/2019 c6 alainaroullier
Ah, so maybe Brandon is their mom’s maiden name?
6/23/2019 c4 alainaroullier
I can’t imagine a cheating Alice!
6/23/2019 c3 alainaroullier
Aha! Now the mysterious rudeness has been answered but is Alice actually his wife?
6/23/2019 c1 alainaroullier
Poor Bella! How mysterious that she was outright lying dismissed? Hmmm
6/23/2019 c30 1divyvicki
That was just wonderful! If u ever want a contest entry, you should write an out take of either their wedding, the World Series with Jackie, the first season with the calming room, the birth of their first child, or when she told him about the new addition after the Hall Of Fame induction! I’m just not ready to leave these characters yet!
6/23/2019 c29 divyvicki
Classic Ending for a truly wonderful story!
6/23/2019 c28 divyvicki
That was a great chapter!
6/23/2019 c27 divyvicki
I’m guessing that something that happened in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas!
6/23/2019 c26 divyvicki
That last line was certainly ominous!
6/23/2019 c25 divyvicki
Great solution to the Victoria problem! And here I thought she had actually moved on with Riley.
6/23/2019 c24 divyvicki
I truly love how this is coming together!
6/23/2019 c23 divyvicki
So glad he asked her to go to the All Star game with him!
6/23/2019 c22 divyvicki
Fantastic solution! Hope she doesn’t move out though!
6/23/2019 c21 divyvicki
What a wonderful solution!
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