Just In
for MVP

4/18/2019 c6 1divyvicki
Interesting conversation!
4/18/2019 c5 divyvicki
That was hot!
4/18/2019 c4 divyvicki
Somehow I don’t think Edward is Alice’s Husband.
4/11/2019 c30 lemonangeljuice
Adorable. Thank you!
4/7/2019 c30 1jenejes
I just re-read this for St. Louis, and I love it. I love the "realness" of this rich Edward. He's not perfect, but oh so loveable at the same time.
4/5/2019 c3 1divyvicki
No wonder they were confused!
4/5/2019 c2 divyvicki
Glad Alice insisted that she be hired!
4/5/2019 c1 divyvicki
Loved the first chapter. I’d swear I’ve read this before
4/3/2019 c30 Guest
Realy great. I enjoed it.
2/28/2019 c30 20Deonne
Okay have to say I have purposely skipped this just because of the blurb/summary put up (not a huge fan of baseball). WHAT WAS I THINKING! This was such an amazing read,I couldn’t stop after each chapter. I loved it.
2/27/2019 c13 sue1zide
Bella was very unprofessional when she threw a childish fit & hung up on Edward. She has no claim on him.
2/26/2019 c10 sue1zide
What happened to the little boy? Why was Alice watching him?
2/24/2019 c30 1Stephannie1014
Excellent story! Thank you for sharing!
2/23/2019 c30 sambellezan
I came across this story on Facebook when someone was looking for it. I have to say I love it very much. Thank you for writing it.
11/28/2018 c30 Monday the 14th
Really nice story. Thank you for sharing it with us!
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