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8/6/2018 c11 Guest
Why is it that everytime Edward is a whore were told not to worry about it because hes not a whore "now"? What does that even matter? He cant erase his number can he? Does the number of women hes been with decrease if hes not being a hoe right this second? No, so once a whore, always a whore.

Now I dont want bella to have anything to do with him. Used up edward isnt attractive. He slept with lauran and victoria too! OMG SO FUCKING NASTY
7/14/2018 c30 5amoredjenaue
This was a really great story.
7/13/2018 c8 Guest
Awesome, cute and realistic.
7/13/2018 c2 Guest
In the DC area (beltway) room, board and $1k a week is not an impressive salary for a teacher or an estate manager. No biggie, but figured you want to know.
7/13/2018 c1 fanfictionalcolic
Always nice to read this story again
6/24/2018 c30 Guest
I want to hear the first few chapters in Edward pov
6/8/2018 c29 emnelly13
Just found this story and absolutely loved it! Great piece of writing!
5/23/2018 c30 HPN715
Love this story SO much! I read the whole thing in 24 hours (don’t tell my boss!). Loved reading a story set in STL.
I also really loved the Cullens. I don’t think I’ve ever read a story with Cullens quite like these— it was actually really refreshing.
If only the Cardinals could bring home a ring this year...
5/16/2018 c30 Guest
Awwww. Such a great story. I wish there was a lot more to it. But damn. Such romance. My heart about melted. You’re an awesome writer.
I enjoyed it from beginning to the end. Can’t wait to see what you come out with next.
Much love.
2/28/2018 c30 5171star
LOVED the proposal...
I was waiting for it on the field or something...
Fantastic Story!
2/28/2018 c29 71star
Awwww... LOVED IT!
So glad I FINALLY got to finish!
2/28/2018 c28 71star
Oh God!
My heart was pounding the entire time!
2/28/2018 c27 71star
Not a good feeling at all...
2/28/2018 c26 71star
No, No, NO...
2/28/2018 c25 71star
She thinks Victoria is going to drop it...
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