9/27/2017 c5 thunnababy
At least he seems to be trying to get to know her and being thoughtful. I can't wait to see Alice's expression when Bella tells her she knows she's cheating on Edward with Jasper!
At least he seems to be trying to get to know her and being thoughtful. I can't wait to see Alice's expression when Bella tells her she knows she's cheating on Edward with Jasper!
9/27/2017 c4 thunnababy
Well won't they be surprised when Bella confesses she overheard Alice and I assume Jasper making out, thinking that Alice is married to Edward!
Well won't they be surprised when Bella confesses she overheard Alice and I assume Jasper making out, thinking that Alice is married to Edward!
9/25/2017 c1 thunnababy
I'm assuming the rude man in the interview room was Edward but I can't for the life of me wonder why he acted the way he did. Did he really think she was sabotaging his car?
I would have thought the child or his Nanny would have straightened him out about that.
I'm assuming the rude man in the interview room was Edward but I can't for the life of me wonder why he acted the way he did. Did he really think she was sabotaging his car?
I would have thought the child or his Nanny would have straightened him out about that.
9/10/2017 c30 EdwardsVampTramp
I'm crying I'm so damn happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I hope there will be more outtakes!
I'm crying I'm so damn happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I hope there will be more outtakes!
9/10/2017 c29 EdwardsVampTramp
I'm so in love with this story since I'm a baseball fan...a METS fan, but baseball fan none the less.
Thank you for sharing this with us. You are one of the reasons I've stayed in this fandom for 8 years.
I'm so in love with this story since I'm a baseball fan...a METS fan, but baseball fan none the less.
Thank you for sharing this with us. You are one of the reasons I've stayed in this fandom for 8 years.
9/8/2017 c30
I have always enjoyed your writing, but it was especially fun to read a story based in the area I live in and am familiar with. I'm originally from Southern IL (and come from a long line of Cardinal fans) but became a StL transplant when I got married. It was a riot to picture places I actually know as I read this fic.
Thanks so much for sharing your writing. I hope we get to read more in the future.

I have always enjoyed your writing, but it was especially fun to read a story based in the area I live in and am familiar with. I'm originally from Southern IL (and come from a long line of Cardinal fans) but became a StL transplant when I got married. It was a riot to picture places I actually know as I read this fic.
Thanks so much for sharing your writing. I hope we get to read more in the future.
9/6/2017 c30
Most amazing story! The laughs, the tears, all of it. I love Jackie as a character, and am so impressed with how well you write him. I have a son on the Autism Spectrum. Each child or person on the spectrum is different, but something they all want universally, is to be included. Thank you for writing this, I truly hope you never stop sharing your talent with the world.

Most amazing story! The laughs, the tears, all of it. I love Jackie as a character, and am so impressed with how well you write him. I have a son on the Autism Spectrum. Each child or person on the spectrum is different, but something they all want universally, is to be included. Thank you for writing this, I truly hope you never stop sharing your talent with the world.