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9/27/2017 c5 thunnababy
At least he seems to be trying to get to know her and being thoughtful. I can't wait to see Alice's expression when Bella tells her she knows she's cheating on Edward with Jasper!
9/27/2017 c4 thunnababy
Well won't they be surprised when Bella confesses she overheard Alice and I assume Jasper making out, thinking that Alice is married to Edward!
9/25/2017 c2 thunnababy
So bella thinks Alice is Edward's wife? LOL. She is in for a shock!
9/25/2017 c1 thunnababy
I'm assuming the rude man in the interview room was Edward but I can't for the life of me wonder why he acted the way he did. Did he really think she was sabotaging his car?
I would have thought the child or his Nanny would have straightened him out about that.
9/17/2017 c30 5lola-cullen-salvatore
I loved it. It was a wonderful story.
9/14/2017 c30 6Stazwrites
I loved it. Thank u for sharing.
9/10/2017 c30 EdwardsVampTramp
I'm crying I'm so damn happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I hope there will be more outtakes!
9/10/2017 c29 EdwardsVampTramp
I'm so in love with this story since I'm a baseball fan...a METS fan, but baseball fan none the less.

Thank you for sharing this with us. You are one of the reasons I've stayed in this fandom for 8 years.

9/10/2017 c28 EdwardsVampTramp
9/10/2017 c26 EdwardsVampTramp
Uh oh...sounds ominous. I'm scared!
9/10/2017 c25 EdwardsVampTramp
What a friggin' EPIC chapter! For the win!
9/10/2017 c24 EdwardsVampTramp
AAaawwww...I adore this Edward. *sigh*
9/8/2017 c30 1my2galspal
I have always enjoyed your writing, but it was especially fun to read a story based in the area I live in and am familiar with. I'm originally from Southern IL (and come from a long line of Cardinal fans) but became a StL transplant when I got married. It was a riot to picture places I actually know as I read this fic.

Thanks so much for sharing your writing. I hope we get to read more in the future.
9/6/2017 c30 2Kalyco828
Most amazing story! The laughs, the tears, all of it. I love Jackie as a character, and am so impressed with how well you write him. I have a son on the Autism Spectrum. Each child or person on the spectrum is different, but something they all want universally, is to be included. Thank you for writing this, I truly hope you never stop sharing your talent with the world.
9/2/2017 c30 1Day-Zeee
Aww I really enjoyed this story! Well written and kept me engaged from beginning to end. :)
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