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8/9/2016 c2 Nicffwhisperer
I have a feeling Edward and Alice aren't married, but I"m surprised Alice didn't clarify that. I'm now wondering why Edward acted like such a jackass when Bella was helping Alice's that his son?
8/9/2016 c2 mem4375
Somehow I don't think Edward will be as welcoming! Love this Alice, and Jake's recommendatIon. Plus, the Red Sox beat the Yankees tonight, so all is right in the baseball world too.
8/9/2016 c2 team rob
8/9/2016 c2 1JayNahNah
I'm guessing Alice forgot to tell Bella that Edward was her brother and her nephew is his son...
Can't wait for Edward to see who Alice hire...I have a feeling there'll be fireworks! But the question is, why did Edward take an instant dislike to Bella at the interview? He seemed interested at his car when she was on her hands and knees?
8/9/2016 c2 shaz308
She is going to be horrified when she finds out just who Edward is. I imagine he will be too. This will be a fun story.
8/9/2016 c2 dpennell007
Edward is going to kill Alice when he sees Bella making herself at home in his house. Can't wait!
8/9/2016 c2 1jansails
I gather ExB are both in fr a big surprise!
jansails /jan2
8/9/2016 c2 majose
I am glad she signed the contract before meeting her "husband". She needs the money and he'll rarely be there anyway.
8/9/2016 c2 6cejsmom
Oh there's so much goodness to come. When Bella finds out who Edward is. Who does Jackie belong to, Edward in general. Her working in that house - how will she handle it. Can't wait for his reaction to her thoughts on the game. Loved it! A dream to have you back.
8/9/2016 c2 blb1000
Oh boy. More assumptions on her part.
8/9/2016 c2 amogle
Loved it can't wait for more ️
8/9/2016 c2 Daisy Grace
A certain someone needs to be brought down a peg or two (if he knows what is good for him). Yes, time will straighten the specifics. I'm sure Edward is Alice's brother. One more assumption to be clarified. Yes, Edward has also made an assumption about Bella. She was looking for #13. He believes her to be a baseball player chasing fan - as in a fame whore & gold-digger. She's looking for baseball player #13 of the St. Louis Cardinals. Does he by chance happen to be #13? (lol) And, Edward, you know the saying about the meaning of "assume", right? It seems you better learn to like the taste of humble pie - if you get my drift - because I suspect you will be eating much of it. Poor Bella deserves a break. Life, it seems, has been one struggle after another for her. Thankfully Alice seems in her corner and will become another close friend for her.
8/9/2016 c2 18Ninkita
Poor Bella is going to get a shock soon, isn't she? hehehe... this is fun!
8/9/2016 c2 KTNCullen
Don't get too comfy there Bella, I wouldn't be too sure about her "husband"! Lol!
Great cast of characters here BV! Also, I hope Alice is around when Edward comes home and the sh*t hits the fan, cuz that's gonna be hilarious!
Can't wait for more!
8/9/2016 c2 PoseyRosey
Love it! It is nice to read a non annoying Alice and the misunderstanding about Edward being Alice's husband should be fun,
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