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8/3/2016 c1 blue022
So happy to see you back! Looking forward to reading more of this one. Any chance you'll be re-posting any of your older stories? I'd love to watch them unfold all over again.
8/3/2016 c1 10Lost In Fanfiction
This sounds interesting :)
8/3/2016 c1 roxiegirl
*dancing around my living room yelling Bratty-vamp is back*!

Great start. I love the Assholewards. He sounds like one so far...we'll see. Looking forward to more!
8/3/2016 c1 team rob
8/3/2016 c1 Nicffwhisperer
Very intrigued to see how Alice fits in to this equation. Love to know what Edward was thinking with the QUICK NO also. I'm clamoring for more-just like old times lol.

Great first chapter and glimpse!

Admin, The Lemonade Stand
8/3/2016 c1 2ssherrill115
I like this - I haven't figured out the boy with the balls though. I love an A-hole Edward and it looks like maybe I'll get what I love in this story. I hope you know how I feel about you. I've read everything with your name on it that I could get my hands on. You disappeared just when I was falling in love with Click and Strum. I'm really happy you are back. Love you and this beginning!
8/3/2016 c1 beachcomberlc
Very intriguing start! Looking forward to more.
8/3/2016 c1 DICATAKADD
Wow...I don't even know where you are headed, but I'm on board for the ride.
8/3/2016 c1 Chicsarah
Intriguing start! I look forward to seeing where this goes. :)
8/3/2016 c1 Cullenosopy
Thank you! Edward is a dick. He could use some hot coffee spilled on his...
8/3/2016 c1 shaz308
Hopefully she will be picked for the job. Alice I imagine has more pull than Bella realises.
8/3/2016 c1 1jansails
Evidently an a$$hole.
jansails /jan2
8/3/2016 c1 Cecilia Siledubh Mohney
I am so happy to have you back AKABrattyVamp! I'm already hooked on this story and can't wait to see where you go with this one. Thanks for writing and sharing it!
8/3/2016 c1 djsmommie
Omg welcome back! I am dying for more xxxooo
8/3/2016 c1 FranRichards
Great intro . Looking forward to reading more
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