8/3/2016 c1 TLammy
Welcome back, you've been missed! Great start, look forward to learning why he reacted as he did.
Welcome back, you've been missed! Great start, look forward to learning why he reacted as he did.
8/3/2016 c1
7Powered by 23 Kicks
If that was Edward being a rotten bastard, I hope he gets pooped on by a birdie when he leaves!

If that was Edward being a rotten bastard, I hope he gets pooped on by a birdie when he leaves!
8/3/2016 c1
12Eternally Addicted
Hmmm something tells me the guy at the car and the interview is #13.

Hmmm something tells me the guy at the car and the interview is #13.
8/3/2016 c1
1Alice's White Rabbit
OMG! That had to be the worst interview possible. What on earth was his problem with her? She didn't even get to talk! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Good to have you back, btw! Thanks!

OMG! That had to be the worst interview possible. What on earth was his problem with her? She didn't even get to talk! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Good to have you back, btw! Thanks!
8/3/2016 c1 mem4375
Totally intrigued. First, how the heck is this a baseball story that starts with a temp agency. Love that. Second, Alice with blue steaks and a little boy. Last, the arrogant ass who cans an interview after 10 seconds. Love it all.
Totally intrigued. First, how the heck is this a baseball story that starts with a temp agency. Love that. Second, Alice with blue steaks and a little boy. Last, the arrogant ass who cans an interview after 10 seconds. Love it all.
8/3/2016 c1 brwneyedgrl01
Poor Bella! I can't wait to see what the reason for his abrupt dismissal of her was about! Love it already!
Poor Bella! I can't wait to see what the reason for his abrupt dismissal of her was about! Love it already!
8/3/2016 c1 asam75
I was skimming the story and got caught up in the second half. I went back and re-read from the beginning. Great start...looks like I'm hooked.
I was skimming the story and got caught up in the second half. I went back and re-read from the beginning. Great start...looks like I'm hooked.
8/3/2016 c1 zazasant
I'll just layer my voice into the chorus of devoted fangirls, welcoming you back and saying how absolutely tickled I am to be reading your words again!
Chapter 1 tell me that you've still got that magic touch to introduce characters that immediately hook you in and make you care about what is going to happen in chapter 2!
Love it, love you! 3
I'll just layer my voice into the chorus of devoted fangirls, welcoming you back and saying how absolutely tickled I am to be reading your words again!
Chapter 1 tell me that you've still got that magic touch to introduce characters that immediately hook you in and make you care about what is going to happen in chapter 2!
Love it, love you! 3
8/3/2016 c1
Special Ed degree. Someone obsessed with numbers. Mary Alice ?
Can't wait for more :)

Special Ed degree. Someone obsessed with numbers. Mary Alice ?
Can't wait for more :)