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for MVP

8/3/2016 c1 sagsdown
So Edward is a major prick! I love it already. My favorite kind of Edward. Now Bella juat has to get under his skin and tame the beast. So happy to have you back with us! XOXO Sharon
8/3/2016 c1 MoJo40 - Ffaddward
Damn, he was rough on her!
8/3/2016 c1 mamacat20
MVP- Most Valuable Prick! Poor Bella.
8/3/2016 c1 Longing to Write
Poor Bella, bad day. Maybe her good deed with the ball will get her a second interview since something tells me Mary Alice has something to do with the miserable man looking for a Household Manager.

Looking forward to reading more.
8/3/2016 c1 SanguineTaurean
WOW! I love this story already! *doing a happy dance* I can't wait for more! Welcome back!
8/3/2016 c1 amberkey
Delmar Loop? That's funny, I just drove through there the other day! I love it when a St. Louis story pops up
8/3/2016 c1 bakergirl24
Welcome back! Well I someone was a dick. Lol. Maybe it's for the best that he sent her away. Also guessing the little boy was autistic. Thanks for sharing. Take care and peace. T.
8/3/2016 c1 6cejsmom
OH MY GOD! Having this - and you - and the crazy insane group - and this! So flippin' excited!
8/3/2016 c1 msjaxteller
So so so happy to have a new story from you to read!
8/3/2016 c1 PoseyRosey
Great first chapter, it held my attention from the very start, I can't wait to read more.
8/3/2016 c1 1EdwardsFirstKiss
So why was Edward so pissed at her? Because she was retrieving a ball under his car?

I am thinking that the boy was Edward's son, speculating that he is a widower or divorced and Alice is Edward's sister?
8/3/2016 c1 2muchtrouble
What fun! I think Bella just ran into her best chance of getting the job.
8/3/2016 c1 Gaby-wotnow
Wow wow wow! Not gonna lie, this is not a legit review because I haven't read it yet! I just had to tell you WELCOME BACK!" Extremely happy and can't wait to read! Thank you
8/3/2016 c1 ECsGirl
Love it - can't wait for more! Welcome back!
8/3/2016 c1 24Maplestyle
Sooooo freaking glad you are back! I have to admit that I am a little scared about the only Bella label though lol.
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