Just In
for MVP

12/3/2021 c30 Daisy Grace
I have reread this fic now more than 3x. It NEVER grows old. Thank you so much for sharing.
11/10/2021 c29 6LillianBroderick
Loved it
8/7/2021 c30 KeikiBelle
I am a big baseball fan, I love fics based on Edward baseball players. Thank you for sharing your story with us, I really enjoyed it!
7/25/2021 c7 Guest
The misunderstandings are getting a bit ridiculous. Well written though.
7/21/2021 c30 SeptemberGirl 7
This is such a fabulous story…reading it again…many thanks for sharing this!
7/20/2021 c30 Teamrob2
7/5/2021 c30 nizzyna
Such a perfect ending.
7/4/2021 c30 MiccaF
Absolutely loved this from beginning to end!
5/12/2021 c30 BethMasenCullen
This story was lovely! Thank you for sharing it with us!
12/14/2020 c30 eneas
Beautiful story
10/17/2020 c30 sue1zide
Beautiful, just beautiful!
10/17/2020 c30 EileenSideways
I can’t believe I just found out about this story. I really enjoyed everything about it and you have written the BEST Carlisle and Esme. Seriously...probably my favorite Carlisle ever. Thank you!
10/16/2020 c19 sue1zide
When are you going to tell us that Alice is pregnant?
10/14/2020 c30 5Perfect Chaotic Life
Such a sweet story!
9/6/2020 c30 solidae26
It all turned out! Yay! Thank you!
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