Just In
for MVP

9/6/2020 c25 solidae26
That was super sweet! I'm thinking there may be one more twist coming ...
9/5/2020 c15 solidae26
Ok, ok. I'm still mad at him ... He's got mood swings like a 12 year old girl ... But this was a pretty good start
9/5/2020 c13 solidae26
I mean ... He's kind of abusive. He needs some serious anger management and I hope she makes him work for it!
9/5/2020 c3 solidae26
I love this! I wouldn't know an MLB player if they smacked me upside the head with a baseball bat, and I can't even NAME one that is currently playing the game ... And I'm in KC! I find this totally believable
1/26/2020 c30 Lillywhite1
Thanks for writing this wonderful story!
10/29/2019 c30 6Payton79
Wonderful story! The next one I'll read will habe a really hard time getting close. Thank you so much!
8/20/2019 c30 soccermom101113
I loved it, sorry it's over. You did a fantastic job on this story. I'm from the St. Louis area and you were correct with everything. Thanks for sharing!
7/2/2019 c18 hawkeye1958
7/1/2019 c15 hawkeye1958
Oh for a kiss like that, sigh
6/30/2019 c30 petmom1213
6/30/2019 c29 petmom1213
This is an awesome story. Edward's family is so funny. I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for continuing to write and for allowing us to read your wonderful stories.

Mickey Hall
6/30/2019 c11 hawkeye1958
Great story
6/24/2019 c30 alainaroullier
Woot woot!
6/23/2019 c30 1morena.davidson.3
Loved it. Glad I found this one. Off now to read more of your stuff. :) Thanks for sharing. xo
6/23/2019 c12 alainaroullier
Edward is being an idiot. Hot then cold then hot again.
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