Just In
for Spite

5/22/2020 c1 Nonnie
Your dark Sendoh is one of the best variations of Sendoh I have ever read. Such a great, compelling contrast to the manga!Sendoh. I also like how you don't shy away from fully depicting the extent of Sendoh's pain and bitterness. Your writing, as always, though brief, is extremely effective. Kudos!
4/30/2019 c1 Guest
wow this was so good, i wasnt expecting to read a Sendoh being like this. it's refreshing.
11/22/2017 c1 2HimuraKenji
Woow so well written!
I like it. But the end... I didn't expect that at all.
Good job.
1/31/2017 c1 1frenchpressedcoffee
this was very well-written. i like the quiet fury you've captured here. You've shown how the fire that burns to win can quickly sour into a quiet resentful simmer, almost like a different kind of slow burn. The ending was such a nice sting as well!
8/12/2016 c1 Shawshank Kid
It's nice to read a new perspective to Sendonh's character. Well done!

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