Just In
for Come find me

4/28/2020 c12 MettatonOfLove
Sans will be last of close to it.
List of who will find out. Top is first all the way down to the bottom, which is last!
Alphys and her girlfriend(guess who?)
I probably misspelled some names, sorry. Reasoning is that a certain person was told that she reminded "buttercup" of a meep sticker, buttercup most likely thought this before she it would have come up before. That certain person reported her findings to Alphy and they figured it out together. Sans would figure it out JUST before Papyrus, because I'm sorry papyrus is sometimes a little thick to get something. So is Sans, it most likely runs in the family.
6/1/2019 c25 randomdude43
Huh... finally came out of my cryogenic freezing to read the rest. Noice.
11/19/2018 c25 Nojbbbgf
It’s been over a year, what happened to the fic?
9/25/2017 c25 Kelidorous
Oh, 4th breaking powers. Love it.
9/25/2017 c10 Kelidorous
The whole determination thing sounds like a fucking cop out to continue the plot... But whatever, enjoying the story so far. My bet is Sans and/or Toriel is gonna find out next.
9/16/2017 c25 Chocolate Lilac
is that a crack in the fourth wall I hear?
8/18/2017 c22 80SneaselXRiolu
River Person to the rescue!
8/13/2017 c21 thelonlysong
relax we will still be here,just take ur time
8/13/2017 c21 Chocolate Lilac
yayy thank u so much, btw don't rush yourself too much
8/12/2017 c21 2madmalitiangamer
dont worry silver you do you we enjoy your stories non of the less
8/12/2017 c21 80SneaselXRiolu
I'm glad to see that happen. I merely suffer through writer's block, but I know in this day and age, It's much easier to not be tuned in to the non-virtual world. I'm glad that You're feeling up to the task, but if you ever need a break just take one and don't let other people make you do something you don't want to do. I look forward to your next chapter ~ Sneasel X Riolu
6/2/2017 c20 Primrose Petals
I like it
PLEASE tell me you listen to SharaX?!
3/27/2017 c20 Anonymous
That last part convinced me that your OC is gonna be a savage
1/28/2017 c1 agdjdpekxb
Do not add lemon or I will report this.
12/2/2016 c20 Yo
Whats with the terrible paragraphing?
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