Just In
for All You Need Are Words

9/26/2017 c18 73Celtic Knot
That was neat. Any plans to expand on this one? It could be lots of fun as a longer story!
9/26/2017 c17 Celtic Knot
Oh God, that last sentence... my heart. :(
9/26/2017 c14 Celtic Knot
*dies laughing* Aw, poor Cas. Or rather, his poor dignity. :)
9/26/2017 c8 Celtic Knot
That was freakin’ adorable. I love how itty bitty Sam calls his big brother “Dee.” So precious! :)
9/26/2017 c6 Celtic Knot
Oh, man, the feels on this one. Ouch.
11/20/2016 c21 3Mariamo
These are great fun!
Could I ask ... Can't you oil the Impala's door?
11/5/2016 c19 14deadone1013
Haha, my poor angel! He's learning, though.

It's always a pleasure to read your drabbles!

So, another one from me : "I don't sweat under any circumstances.", the famous Castiel line from season 12. I really can't wait for this one! Thank you!
11/2/2016 c21 11Domino Darkwolf
Hah! Definitely a different type of "monster". I like that.

I got a prompt for you; "This will never end for me."
11/2/2016 c19 Domino Darkwolf
Hahahahaha! That would make a great episode. I feel for Dean, though. I too am allergic to cats.
11/2/2016 c18 Domino Darkwolf
I can see why you would want to expand on this. I feel like this is a good story waiting to be unlocked (although it's pretty good as a Drabble, too, so whatever happens, it's all good). I especially like the line "Cas could already see the strain that holding up the sky was putting on his friend..." I was trying to work a similar line into a story (but slightly more metaphorical probably).
10/30/2016 c17 Domino Darkwolf
I'm not crying, I'm cutting onions. Onions of many feels and heartache.
10/25/2016 c21 Guest
How funny! I liked how Dean reacted to everything.
10/27/2016 c10 Domino Darkwolf
Awwwwwwwww. That was so adorable. Which is an odd thing to say about two dudes who brutally murder monsters. Professionally. But it really was. I can picture Dean'a face just lighting up like a kid on Christmas Day; he's seen so much darkness, he forgets to look at the light.
10/27/2016 c7 Domino Darkwolf
That was super deep and full of feels. Excellent.
10/27/2016 c6 Domino Darkwolf
Oh man. That was just. Woah.
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