Just In
for Eye of the Beholder

4/4/2017 c3 Guest
I keep imagining Lucy as Elizabeth Midford from Kuroshitsuji.
4/4/2017 c3 Rain723
OMG yessss you updated yesss
I absolutely love this story. Especially Laxus and Lucy interactions! I can't wait to see how Lucy fits into Thunder God Tribe! ( I surely hope she stays with them for a while )
I feel like Lucy can summon two zodiac spirits at once, like first its just to have two friends to talk too than she does it in battle and Free is just like " T-thats not normal! To just be able to do that ! " It's fun to poke fun at Freed. lol

P.S. I dont want to sound hopeful but I hope you include Loki soon. I am a big fan of him.

Can't wait for the next update ~ ~ ~ ~
4/4/2017 c3 8The Keeper of Worlds
Glad she's in guild, but sad that she's not Team Natsu. At least things will be interesting.
4/4/2017 c3 15amy.skye
I love how the story goes so far. Love it, love it, love it.
4/4/2017 c3 8Celestial-pricess
yay, you updated. I have a feeling that Lucy and the Thunder god tribe will get a long after a while. But it will probably be a while before Luxus sees her "worthy" to be on his team
4/4/2017 c3 1Jarjaxle
Wait. ...Lucy joined into what team. .? well this is quite different
4/4/2017 c3 Evani
Oh my gods! This makes me so happy. Thank you for the update!
1/10/2017 c2 Cream and Sugar
Great story! I really like the idea of Lucy deciding to make the hard choice of giving up her dreams for her responsibilities. I also enjoy how you are fleshing out her relationship with Aquarius. Can't wait to read more!
12/1/2016 c1 1Rubyia
Ahh, this looks amazing so far.
11/27/2016 c2 3IruMinO
ok! this line of thought is what i've been missing
it's very cool of hou to share it thanks~
11/26/2016 c1 Thornado
I love these types of Lucy stories. I can't believe you're writing one, I'm so excited!
11/23/2016 c2 chism
this is a really interesting premise that, to my knowledge, has never been explored, there's a lot of potential for this, i guess is what i'm saying, and well, i'm looking forward to reading more,
9/22/2016 c2 8The Keeper of Worlds
My, my this was quite the interesting little chapter:-). I'm really looking forward to see what she does next.
9/18/2016 c2 1The Sassy Sylveon
This is the type of story I actually would see Lucy following, instead of the cannon story. Based on Lucy's character and personality, she would give up her dreams so other people can have work and jobs. Its a simple twist that I can see perfectly Lucy doing. You just captured Lucy perfectly
9/13/2016 c2 SoulMusician
Wow I love this portrayal of Lucy so much you captured why spirits respect her so much. Also you are really good with characterization.
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