7/18/2017 c4 Mudkip
Oh dear, I'm really curious to see what this experiment will entail! Hopefully Luke won't be hurt and the Professor will finally get what Flora was trying to tell him before she passed.
On a different note, I hope you're doing well!
Oh dear, I'm really curious to see what this experiment will entail! Hopefully Luke won't be hurt and the Professor will finally get what Flora was trying to tell him before she passed.
On a different note, I hope you're doing well!
10/23/2016 c4
134The Mocking J
Dimitri, what are you doing? ;_; Please stop before someone gets hurt.
But please don't stop writing this! I hope Luke gets to speak to Flora again, even if he'll be at risk. I like how you linked Flora's fate to the radiation in Future London, since she had a lack of involvement with the plot in that game.

Dimitri, what are you doing? ;_; Please stop before someone gets hurt.
But please don't stop writing this! I hope Luke gets to speak to Flora again, even if he'll be at risk. I like how you linked Flora's fate to the radiation in Future London, since she had a lack of involvement with the plot in that game.
10/18/2016 c4 Guest
amazing, i hope that you continue this great job.
amazing, i hope that you continue this great job.
10/18/2016 c4
4Abitat Eco
Ahhhh I missed this! Sorry I haven't reviewed in ages college got super hectic and wow wow this is amazing! I expected Dimitri to be more sinister you wrote his character really well. Poor Luke, I hope nothing bad happens to him either :( I hope uni is going well, take care and good Luck with everything Nikki :) xxx

Ahhhh I missed this! Sorry I haven't reviewed in ages college got super hectic and wow wow this is amazing! I expected Dimitri to be more sinister you wrote his character really well. Poor Luke, I hope nothing bad happens to him either :( I hope uni is going well, take care and good Luck with everything Nikki :) xxx
9/6/2016 c1 61bunnies48
Hello! I have been reading Visions for quite a while, but didn't follow or review because I lost my account info. :( I just wanted to let you know I love your writing so much, and I think your fanfics are just terrific!
Hello! I have been reading Visions for quite a while, but didn't follow or review because I lost my account info. :( I just wanted to let you know I love your writing so much, and I think your fanfics are just terrific!
9/6/2016 c2 Guest
Thanks for updating! Don't worry if it takes ages I'll still read the next chapter when you've written it!
Thanks for updating! Don't worry if it takes ages I'll still read the next chapter when you've written it!
9/6/2016 c2 Aria and Clive
Clive: It wasn't THAT long!
Aria: ...
Clive: Anyway, I'm a bit to tired to do anything really crazy, so I'm going to sleep. Night. *Gets in bed*
Aria: I guess that means I have to go as well, sorry! Keep writing your fanfics, and we'll keep loving them! *Starts drawing mustache and beard on Clive with permanent marker*
~Aria Cantari~
~(Sleeping)Clive Dove~
Clive: It wasn't THAT long!
Aria: ...
Clive: Anyway, I'm a bit to tired to do anything really crazy, so I'm going to sleep. Night. *Gets in bed*
Aria: I guess that means I have to go as well, sorry! Keep writing your fanfics, and we'll keep loving them! *Starts drawing mustache and beard on Clive with permanent marker*
~Aria Cantari~
~(Sleeping)Clive Dove~
9/5/2016 c2
This was a good chapter! Dear lord, I can only imagine the guilt Layton will feel in this one... not only did Luke go missing in his care... but he dismissed Flora's warnings. God, poor Layton...
Good luck on the move! Take your time with the fics too!

This was a good chapter! Dear lord, I can only imagine the guilt Layton will feel in this one... not only did Luke go missing in his care... but he dismissed Flora's warnings. God, poor Layton...
Good luck on the move! Take your time with the fics too!
8/18/2016 c1
I'm sorry it took me so long to read! My internet has been rather spotty.
That last chapter and this one were good. Sad, but good. Poor boys, especially Luke!

I'm sorry it took me so long to read! My internet has been rather spotty.
That last chapter and this one were good. Sad, but good. Poor boys, especially Luke!
8/15/2016 c1 Guest
I was looking forward to this, and I was apparently right to; it's really good so far! Keep it up.
I was looking forward to this, and I was apparently right to; it's really good so far! Keep it up.
8/15/2016 c1 Guest
This was a sweet and sad chapter. Poor Luke. It seems that he's having a really rough time in this series and now he's going to be kidnapped too!
This was a sweet and sad chapter. Poor Luke. It seems that he's having a really rough time in this series and now he's going to be kidnapped too!
8/15/2016 c1
4Abitat Eco
Awww :,) Luke's thoughts on Flora's funeral are so sad :( he misses her so much and the professor concealing his true emotions for the sakes of othrs is so in character :) But here comes Dimitri DX If only Layton had got a better sleep the night before he could have prevented this from happening XD Wonderful work Nikki! I can't wait to read more! :D xxx

Awww :,) Luke's thoughts on Flora's funeral are so sad :( he misses her so much and the professor concealing his true emotions for the sakes of othrs is so in character :) But here comes Dimitri DX If only Layton had got a better sleep the night before he could have prevented this from happening XD Wonderful work Nikki! I can't wait to read more! :D xxx