Just In
for The Meaning of Love

9/4/2018 c1 whlRk
Veri n1c3dL2st0riLu
9/2/2018 c1 AVIK5
Veri n1c3h6Sst0riMM
7/22/2018 c8 James Birdsong
Heh cool story
10/11/2017 c4 october 31
please continue the way it ends is like cliff huger and it Cainta hard no to want more
8/14/2017 c4 Guest
I would love to keep reading
8/4/2017 c4 Guest
Loved this!
7/6/2017 c4 deletedinactivew0001110101010
First let me say your grammar is atrocious, but it's at least to the point where I can follow the story no problem. And I loved your story. The emotions and train of thoughts you convey really pull the story along.

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