Just In
for Luna, Gamer Of Remnant!

1/13 c1 Ama Beck
Hello! I read your story and I found your work very interesting, and I want to work on it as a commission artist. I want to put in even more effort than you have and work on it. I also have some ideas for you that I would like to share.
Contact info:
Discord: bunnylicious02
best regard,
Ama Beck
12/28/2021 c18 17linkiepie2214
Are you still working on rewrite of this story?

If not my a take a crock at making something out of the madness of this beautiful story?
12/30/2020 c18 DerpoDotCom
It's an OK story but there is are inconsistencies , the story is all over the place and a lot of stuff isn't fleshed out.
5/3/2020 c13 BayerClan
Plz write more this is awesome
5/2/2020 c3 BayerClan
Plz make more chapters
7/20/2019 c12 Guest
that took a while
7/20/2019 c10 Guest
dare i say fan...US!
7/20/2019 c7 Guest
wow another sad one
4/17/2019 c18 Little Liar
1/6/2019 c18 Heartfire12
Super histoire
3/25/2018 c11 2merendinoemiliano
A little advice. Put faunus strenght just x 5 and write thath it can be activated at will,but when it happens, Luna's stamina goes down very fast. Plus,also other people could learn more 'magical skills'not related to their semblance. Maybe the Game Master have her access to power thath existed once on Remnant,but were lost( with the exception of Maidens) and now she's here these powers begin to see surface once again,appearing in various zone for people who didn't even meet her(including villain) of course. Good work.
12/13/2017 c1 Rayakashi
I liked it but it was kind of weird. In the beginning she was like a carbon copy of Ruby, all innocent, but then when she started Beacon she turned into this sadistic rage monster. That last chap (18) was that skipped towards the future? It seemed like there was supposed to be chapters in between chapters 17 and 18. I liked this fic though-I did read it to the last updated chapter after all. Curious of what’s to become of this fic. Take care Author-sama! :)
9/1/2017 c3 Error Nonknown
So, does Luna allude to the Wolf from the "Little Red Riding Hood" story. Or is she something else?
7/18/2017 c18 3Herrscher of YATTA
I honestly felt that as a character, what happened to Weiss was way too harsh. She grew up around Faunus killing her family, and had no idea what was happening in the mines. Just because she's a Schnee doesn't mean she is just like her father. Other than that, I felt like Luna was way OP, and I've found that there are some oocness from the other characters. That is all.
7/8/2017 c1
I'm not sure I like how this went from hard core training to massive nearly lethal mission. serious 0 to 100, complete lack of build up. with a near or confirmed dismemberment. removing gamer elements from a gamer fic? hard and it kinda defeats the purpose of a gamer fic
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