7/8/2017 c17 shypunk
this is a gamer fic that's why i am reading it if you remove it then what's the point of reading your story
this is a gamer fic that's why i am reading it if you remove it then what's the point of reading your story
7/8/2017 c17 Emiliano733
Hello, great chapter, good luck for the next. Luna is less overpowered i tought, luckily. See you later.
Hello, great chapter, good luck for the next. Luna is less overpowered i tought, luckily. See you later.
6/15/2017 c16 Emiliano733
Hello, the chapter is pretty good, i hope Luna will teach in near future some skill to her teammates and friends. See you later.
Hello, the chapter is pretty good, i hope Luna will teach in near future some skill to her teammates and friends. See you later.
6/5/2017 c10 Was Great
aaaaaaaaaaaaand you lost me! Was with you until you you bound her! She was already quit weak still, having under used the gamer power in every way, but to knock her down so far!? And beyond all that do you have any idea how retarded it is to have someone else control how much power you can use?! What happens the first time she needs it and Ruby is not around? But there twins.. who where just separated for how long? It was bad enough each chapter gets more and more vague as you loose interest and willpower to keep going with this story but to cheapen it so bad... chapter after chapter of no growth from her and you constantly fucking her over and trying to weaken her! This would make sense if you had ever bothered to make her powerful to begin with!
aaaaaaaaaaaaand you lost me! Was with you until you you bound her! She was already quit weak still, having under used the gamer power in every way, but to knock her down so far!? And beyond all that do you have any idea how retarded it is to have someone else control how much power you can use?! What happens the first time she needs it and Ruby is not around? But there twins.. who where just separated for how long? It was bad enough each chapter gets more and more vague as you loose interest and willpower to keep going with this story but to cheapen it so bad... chapter after chapter of no growth from her and you constantly fucking her over and trying to weaken her! This would make sense if you had ever bothered to make her powerful to begin with!
6/3/2017 c15 Emiliano733
Hello, good chapters, i hope Pyhrra will survive and ends up with Jaune. But really, whath the heck thath guy did for seventeen years for don't know anthing? See you later.
Hello, good chapters, i hope Pyhrra will survive and ends up with Jaune. But really, whath the heck thath guy did for seventeen years for don't know anthing? See you later.
6/3/2017 c15 Raikaguken
i DO NOT want to know what happend with jaune, think he needs a Psychologist?
i DO NOT want to know what happend with jaune, think he needs a Psychologist?
6/1/2017 c13 2sorry.no-names
character bashing is relatively normal, if exaggerated at some point. this is one of those points. that said, a teacher wouldnt call a student spoiled, they may call it out as "childish behavior" but never outright spoiled, they have to remain objective. its a small thing that should be done, but wouldnt really change much
character bashing is relatively normal, if exaggerated at some point. this is one of those points. that said, a teacher wouldnt call a student spoiled, they may call it out as "childish behavior" but never outright spoiled, they have to remain objective. its a small thing that should be done, but wouldnt really change much
5/31/2017 c13 Emiliano733
Hello, good chapter, i hope Weiss and Luna will get along. I hope Ozpin won't be bashed, since i love as charachter either him and Dumbledore and i think they don't deserve it(frankly, i think bashing is just a stupid way for messing up the main charachter's life). See you later.
Hello, good chapter, i hope Weiss and Luna will get along. I hope Ozpin won't be bashed, since i love as charachter either him and Dumbledore and i think they don't deserve it(frankly, i think bashing is just a stupid way for messing up the main charachter's life). See you later.
5/30/2017 c3 Raikaguken
use a method other rwby fics use?
like summer ending up in tunnels underground with no exit and giant grim spiders called Death Eaters and returning during or just after initiation? not sure if death eaters made up or not.
use a method other rwby fics use?
like summer ending up in tunnels underground with no exit and giant grim spiders called Death Eaters and returning during or just after initiation? not sure if death eaters made up or not.
5/30/2017 c2 Raikaguken
Moon Rose? beautiful name.
and pairings? maybe luna/blake or luna becoming a reason for jaune to GIT GUD!
Moon Rose? beautiful name.
and pairings? maybe luna/blake or luna becoming a reason for jaune to GIT GUD!
5/29/2017 c12 Emiliano733
Hello, good chapter. Frankly i still think Qrow could be Ruby's father. See you later.
Hello, good chapter. Frankly i still think Qrow could be Ruby's father. See you later.