Just In
for Luna, Gamer Of Remnant!

5/28/2017 c3 3ImBoredSoITypeShit
Call it... a women's intuition!
Oh my god I am so going to hell...
Fucking kill me hahahaha
5/26/2017 c7 Guest
dam it's great. wonder how blake will react seeing her at beacon if you try following canon closely
5/28/2017 c10 Dragon0905
While the original idea of a binder as you called it is good, I'm not sure if I followed with the zero seal part. Basically from what I can tell...your dropping her stats each time she hits a 25 mark instead of leveling up she's actually taking a massive nosedive in power. Keeping her for all intents and purposes at about lvl 17 then lower as she hits 50 and even lower at 75, and then if I read that right at 100 she gains all her power back and gets 30 times hers stats. While Yang was stated to be around 22 I think. Luna will just seem to keep getting weaker. Then BOOM! At lvl 100 she a goddess with vast uncontrolled power.
5/27/2017 c10 Emiliano733
Hello, good chapters, i liked the fights and i'm curious to see your theories about salem. See you later.
5/26/2017 c7 2Kintin23
This is a very well written story. Good job and keep it up. It's awesome.
5/26/2017 c6 Emiliano733
Hello, your story seems interesting and i'm curious to see whath will happen now, but please, don't give Luna too skill for now and give some of them also on canon characters. See you later.
1/2/2017 c5 Outerjay
ok this has been done really well
9/3/2016 c5 Guest
How about the ability to make barriers ?
8/25/2016 c5 5Grub Leaf-Eater
I feel like in any gamer fic where you can train stats, the obvious thing to use points for is Luck. Think about it-literally EVERY other stat can be trained, but unless gambling counts for Luck?

I mean, when your luck massively exceeds your foes', you become the walking embodiment of Murphy's law. Patches of mud make you skid out of the way of attacks while your enemies skid right into yours, your enemies' guns jam, you just happen to tie your shoe or lean down to pick up a penny at the moment when someone aims to shoot you in the neck...

I could see a luck-based Gamer actually specifically using weapons and gear with random chance involved specifically because then it lets their stat help them, like untied shoes(chance of trip-dodging), for instance.
8/22/2016 c2 1AscendedHumanity
besides minor grannar issues its okay, you are switching "s" and "c" in a lot of words
8/18/2016 c2 Guest
No yuri,please
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