Just In
for The Bunny and her Knight

5/6/2018 c4 bankai777
Please take your time.
12/21/2017 c1 52giolingad
please fix grammar and spelling and also add commas
11/5/2017 c4 TuxTheShark
Loved the story so far. I hate to hear what's going on in your life. I wish you the best in getting through this.
9/23/2017 c4 3InArkosWeTrust
Seriously? You got fired for your disability? That is a against the law. Call the boss of the manager that fired you. Better yet look on the wage list for your state. There should be a number to call if you got fired for being disabled.
4/10/2017 c3 2ArmantusCumPinnae
hope this will be updated someday
3/23/2017 c3 Rebmul
velvet is wifu velvet is love. velvet blake, glynda, and winter are my 4 favorite girls so I'm off ot read your glynda fic since ive read all your others
11/16/2016 c3 Guest
Very intersting
11/16/2016 c3 2Xerzo LotCN
haha that was rather funny and then embarrassing and finally funny and cute
11/4/2016 c2 tenofprime
such a cute story, I do hope to get more of it soon.
10/9/2016 c2 SonicReader1
Update plz! Been waiting forever!
9/10/2016 c2 Guest
Pretty entertaining
9/10/2016 c1 Reviewer
A little bit better. I would also suggest that you use indentations at the beginning of each new paragraph. That also makes it a bit easier on the eyes.
9/10/2016 c1 bke.21
Please fix the wall text. New paragraphs start when: someone new speaks or the subject changes. wall of text is very hard to read and a lot of people won't even try. (me included)
8/21/2016 c1 Guestperson
One word, man. Just one word - walltext. Also, where are the capital letters? And all the punctuation?
8/21/2016 c1 Guest
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