Just In
for The Diabolical World According to Flora Reinhold

8/29/2016 c1 134The Mocking J
It's great to see more of this series, and I'm looking forward to the humorous oneshot that follows. I think, given Flora's relatively minor part in Pandora's Box, you really expanded on her thoughts here.
Looking forward to the next part!
8/24/2016 c1 Saoirse in the Queen's English
Oka, finally got around reading this and reviewing. Hm, what to say? Well, being honest, this wasn't one of my favorite updates. I just feel that it was a bit bland. I can't pinpoint why. I feel so rude now, but don't misunderstand, it's not a bad story. Comme ci, comme ça? I am looking forward to Lost Future because you can never go wrong with it. I also want to see more of Flora's thoughts on Clive, Claire, Bill Hawks, Luke's leaving, etc.
And yes! People came swooping back for pre and post Level-5 Vision but I feel are now just stepping away? Anyways, I still applaud your story. Bravo, and sorry if I come out as rude. :(
8/24/2016 c1 Aria and Clive
Aria: I concur! Every day, before I start school, I pick up my computer and check for anything new!
Clive: She does, she really does-need to start reading more fanfictions.
Aria: I read some Pokémon fanfics! And a few Phoenix Wright Fanfics! I even read a Percy Jackson Fanfic!
Clive: You have read 1 Wright fanfic that wasn't a crossover with Professor Layton! The PJ was too!
Aria: And the Pokémon?
Clive: ...
Aria: Anyway, Can't wait for the Unwound World! It's my favorite!
Clive: I thought Azran Legacy was!
Aria: Well... I don't own any but Azran and Miracle...
Clive: ... Just do the stupid outro.
Aria: OK!
~Aria Cantari~
~Clive Dove~
8/24/2016 c1 4girlycathy
very nice! love this chapter, i like how its very focused on Flora and her thoughts but not so much that you lose the story; well done!
8/24/2016 c1 Guest
That's a very good written OS! I feel kind of sorry for Flora for being left during the game (I forgot the dog's name .w.).

And yes, I've noticed Fanfiction is quite quiet, it worries me.

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