Just In
for Sound of the Sea

8/29/2024 c20 Ema14
i knew it wasnt complete and yet i keep reading (i dont do that but i love the way you writte)
maybe someday you will finish it ? i will keep waiting for you.
8/4/2024 c20 jlwharton
Really amazing and intriguing story but i was hoping it was get to at least when she and Bones find out ahe is pregnant. I was very into this one!
4/29/2024 c20 Guest
just hated the story to end
1/8/2024 c6 fanofB-B
So sorry about your health issures . I know you posted this a long time ago . Hears hoping you are well now. I am enjoying ths story very much .
9/30/2023 c20 Guest
Crying. Screaming. Throwing up. Please finish this :,( it’s actually not a terrible place to stop so I’m not mad LOL but it’s so good and it’s not really the end end so please come back T.T
9/3/2023 c20 Perlgrl54107829
I love your stories! This was a wonderful story that i didn’t want to end. I pray your health is stable.i have an autoimmune disease as well (secondary amyloidosis) that has put me into kidney failure. Your stories and other writers bring me so much joy. I found Bones in 2016. I was very sick in 2005 when it began. But i am a true Bonehead. I love Bones. Its my safe place. I cant really explain it. But when i read beautifully written stories like yours, I’m so happy. Please consider working on this story again. You are a wonderful writer and, I can tell, a lovely person. Thank you.
2/26/2023 c20 Boothbabe22705
I would have liked more resolution
1/25/2023 c14 fanofB-B
I usualy don't review stories till the end . I just had t tell you , Yes you hit the mark the way they came together ( pun intended ) . Love your writing style,makes it so real ! Thank you.
1/9/2023 c16 Boothbabe22705
Just loved this :

"Pharmacy." Reaching past her, he turned the water on, crowding her in the most alluring way. "For protection, you know, so we can come back here and I can protect you all weekend long."

Entire chapter
1/7/2023 c11 Boothbabe22705
The letters were wonderful and had to be a bear to write but were beautiful with their underlying messages that only Booth could decipher. Your writing is just top notch and imo is entirely of professional caliber! I know it was all written over a decade ago but here I am in 2023 entirely consumed with it
1/7/2023 c3 Boothbabe22705
Damn you write emotional connection so well and I know I’ve told you that before bc I’m re-reading lots of FF. I get so into it that sometimes I’m confused as to what is FF and what I saw on the show but also wish I had seen more of what’s written in FF on the show since writing like yours is so much more in depth emotionally.
1/7/2023 c2 Boothbabe22705
I sincerely love these sentences:

“Her intelligence, her command of large, complicated words, her outwardly cold, harsh persona, they were all just defenses to hide her tender heart. It wasn't that she didn't feel, that wasn't it at all, it was that she felt too much, too deeply.”

Your emotional range in explaining their feelings of a story we’ve seen, and for me many times, is wonderful.
12/30/2022 c20 Guest
Hope you are still out there and feeling stronger
7/24/2022 c20 Perlgrl54107829
This is the best story I have read about Booth and Brennan starting their relationship. I just love it.
6/20/2022 c20 4S.Woods
Hey! My GOD this story is good. I'm not new to fanfiction, but I'm new to the Bones fandom (just watched the whole series since I got Star) and I've been looking for good season 6 stories. This is the first one that I LOVED. Loved that you kept the timeline of the show and managed to create moments that could have actually happened and explained their sudden change in the relationship by the end of season 6. I assumed you had written this years ago, so I was happy to see the last chapter is only a few months old! I really hope you'll continue. You kept me company on a 3 hour bus ride, I had the best time reading!
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