Just In
for Unwrapping Life

10/17/2016 c8 Sallyannerenee
I am loving this. I like the way Priestly is determined to go slow, to prove to Tish he loves her, not just her body. And although I'm not a tattoo person, I have to admit Priestly's is one that I'd want to touch too.
10/16/2016 c8 3mckydstarlight
Poor Tish. :( I'm loving this! Can't wait til next week!
10/14/2016 c7 53ArtistKurai
I can't wait to find out what Tish has to tell him either! But I'm so glad she told Priestly that she misses the mohawk. Now he can go back to being Priestly again! Yay! Looking forward to the next update.
10/9/2016 c7 3mckydstarlight
Now we're getting somewhere. :)
10/9/2016 c7 Sallyannerenee
Yay, Tish finally told Priestly she missed his mohawk and piercings! Even made him blush. I hope he can help her with her own insecurities.
10/3/2016 c6 53ArtistKurai
Oh, these two. Whatever shall we do with them? I can understand why Tish got upset by Priestly's responses to her concern, but I also understand where Priestly's coming from. When you grow up being treated a certain way, it's very, very difficult to break out of that way of thinking and that conditioning. I get why Priestly was hesitant to share and why he got so defensive. But I know Tish isn't going to let this go just like that. She's gonna make him see that she really does care about him. And I can't wait to see it happen. Update soon!
9/30/2016 c6 Sallyannerenee
Oh Preistly. His insecurity just made a mess. I hope Tish can see through what he said and realize it's his fear of being unlovable that's talking. I just want to scoop him up and hug him.
9/30/2016 c6 3mckydstarlight
Oh, Priestly. Baby. :'( ow. Can't wait for the next chapter!
9/30/2016 c6 Scaramou
Oh god I want to cry for Priestly. And then for Tish and how he spoke to her :'(
9/28/2016 c5 53ArtistKurai
Awwww, poor Priestly! I'm glad Tish misses the mohawk. Maybe that'll be what Priestly needs to bring the old style back. He's just not himself without all the colors in his hair. And yay Trucker! I can't wait to see what's next.
9/26/2016 c5 Sallyannerenee
Poor Priestly, that really is a nasty cold he's got, and with the issues he has from growing up, no wonder he doesn't believe someone could care so much for him. He's too adorable not to love. And he doesn't have any idea that he is. Sigh... "the stubbly jaw"...
9/23/2016 c5 3mckydstarlight
OH, Priestly!
9/16/2016 c4 mckydstarlight
I'm just gonna go cry now. Priestly! My baby! Ow...
9/16/2016 c4 Sallyannerenee
Priestly is so adorable, and this back story you've made for him is so sad! This is why he hides behind his outlandish persona. Tish is making me happy by taking such good care of him.
9/16/2016 c4 53ArtistKurai
Awwww! Tish is so caring. And poor Priestly! I find myself saying that a lot. How dare his aunt treat him so terribly! I'm glad Tish brought him one of his snarky tshirts. Maybe he'll be able to get back to being his usual Priestly self soon. Can't wait for chapter 5!
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