Just In
for Black Luminary

1/31 c72 ffntfy456
So glad to see you writing again and I loved this chapter. I'm anxious to learned what happened in the village.
12/25/2024 c72 izzy
I love this story, very well-written. I get so absorbed in it every time I read it. Really desperate for another update!
12/21/2024 c72 cloexxixxl
So glad that to see the updatethis story is by far my most favorite, a masterpiece. Please continue!
10/27/2024 c18 1gunzen
well. i did read your an in chapter 2 and jumped to this chapter. in this reality you've built, house potter is power. i think arcturus was rather dumb to allow harry to let go of the house of his parents; those who died so he could live, just because of annoyance?

but for your story to go forward, i suppose it had to happen some way, harry disassociating himself. but to give up power? i do not think so. the influence arcturus and harry will be losing. yeah. not very good.

i mean vive le revoluccion and all, but power is power. and well, harry potter isn't harry potter without potter.

could have gone another way i suppose, but since the story has moved forward pretty far already, even my protests will do nothing to change it.
10/20/2024 c1 Rex Ursarum
Why are you using apostrophes instead of quotation marks?
10/14/2024 c2 midnightscar17
9/26/2024 c71 gremlin914
The horrors of battle and war. Very well written. Tyfc
9/26/2024 c70 gremlin914
What a reveal. So good. Tyfc
9/23/2024 c5 ThanaShini
a really cool epilogue would be 1000 years later Harry has a convo with the hat about how he feels having passed his first millenium(assuming he gains some form of immortality sometime in the future)
8/30/2024 c72 TacoGoesBah
So glad to see and read the new chapter! Thanks for your work as usual - looking forward to the next, whenever that may come :)
8/29/2024 c72 Maitre Inquisiteur
It's cool to have you back !
8/25/2024 c72 Guest
Bro it's been 8 fckn years we need some mysteries solved, 72 chapters and we haven't even met all the playas, that is enough blue balls, sir.
8/23/2024 c72 Cheesefingers6299
I swear every time you update I end up doing a full reread. I enjoyed the character interactions as usual and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here.
8/22/2024 c72 ErnestTheGuy
Ooo I love watching the blacks scheme
8/19/2024 c72 skotos07
Wow. After Daphne killed I wasn't expecting an update at all :) but you're keeping it going!
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