Just In
for Twenty-One

10/29/2016 c1 32celinenaville
Awww. Birthday Pie cake. Lol. Kinda was sad at the everything would be okay in the end...because it never was, was it? :(
9/3/2016 c1 Alexandria M.R
This was so sweet and lovely! Thanks for sharing.
9/2/2016 c1 Guest
Really enjoyed this story.

Happy Birthday! Hope you have/had a great day!

9/3/2016 c1 dreamingnotsleeping
Aww, so sweet.
9/3/2016 c1 Strutsiina
Happy birthday! and thank you for this story it was so vute and amazing
9/2/2016 c1 spnfanforlife
First off Happy 21! Second, this was fantastic and has absolutely made my day and has been favorited
9/2/2016 c1 5229Pieces
Awww, happy birthday, lady! :) And Sam is such a sweetie to his brother!
9/2/2016 c1 67LilyBolt
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Twenty one is a pretty huge milestone, what with the whole 'legal drinking age' aspect and all that jazz. ;) Secondly, this story was very sweet. All that effort Sam put into Dean's birthday was awesome enough, but when you consider the fact that Dean would've otherwise just been facing disappointment that their dad had needed to work through his birthday instead of being able to take him out for his first legal drink... Well it just gets ever /more/ touching and wonderful. The thoughtfulness shown by Sam here - the movies (all of which I could one hundred percent imagine Dean loving), the pie (in lieu of a cake because Dean prefers pie), the fact that Sam had been paying attention to whatever 'trinket' Dean had been interested in the last time they went to the thrift store - was terrific and heartwarming. Fantastic job! And again, have the happiest of birthdays, my friend! :D

P.S. I loved this line:

"doing that little thing where he jerks his head to throw and tears that might be in his eyes out without anyone noticing"

I could definitely picture what you meant, and it added the sprinkles to this sundae. :)
9/2/2016 c1 2talknerdy2meh
This was a cute fic. I hope you have a fabulous birthday!

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