Just In
for Their Vices

12/28/2020 c5 Guest
Boring ending
11/18/2019 c5 EchoMoment
This is so good I love it
8/21/2019 c5 hannahwj84
I love this! Please update it!
7/27/2019 c5 Heaven's Mistake
I feel like Rosie would get along wirh May Carlton.
6/18/2019 c4 Guest
Hello. Did you know that you chapter 4 and 5 are impossible to read? We can see all the formula of style...
5/21/2019 c5 January Raines
Chapter 4 & 5 aren’t readable, the format has messed up.
5/21/2019 c4 Guest
Chap 4/5 are a bit weird, is it just me or not?
4/4/2019 c3 paulavara140
Pleaseee updatee
3/9/2019 c3 Guest
Very well written chapter. Are you going to be updating requently or just randomly?
7/11/2018 c1 lilbobcatgrl88
Please continue love this story :)
3/14/2018 c1 Hannah
This was so great! very well written, you've got a real talent for writing!
i would love to read more from you, especially set in the peaky blinders, i thought you wrote tommy so beautifully! :D
1/1/2018 c1 Guest
a storyline worth a fucking spinoff
11/30/2017 c1 2Raging Raven
This was so endearing. It was sweet but not overly so, it was something that I could see fit into the show quite easily. Great job.
4/4/2017 c1 15SilverGhostKitsune
love this!
1/29/2017 c1 Vicki-Jasper-Whitlock
Wow I loved this! I really hope you write more stories!
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