Just In
for True Path

11/16 c5 1Abigail Guerrero
When u going to update?
3/25/2023 c5 Abigail Guerrero
Update? And can u also update your other story soon
7/10/2022 c5 18Girlofthewater
Please update soon! I would like to know what happens next!
1/27/2018 c1 2sarahmicaela88
well this was a shocker
1/2/2018 c5 4Gracie04
Great chapter! Loved it! Thank you for updating!
12/26/2017 c5 2Peacelovefairy
Glad you got your laptop love the chapter
7/23/2017 c1 7MrsNShelby2021
hey guys I've only just noticed that Jaspers pov says Harper's lol I honestly don't know what happened there but it is supposed to be Jaspers pov
7/22/2017 c4 2sarahmicaela88
Oh God whats happening?
7/20/2017 c4 Nicky146
love this story. Please update again soon!
7/20/2017 c4 2Peacelovefairy
Great chapter love the cliffhanger can't wait for more
7/19/2017 c4 mickkila
I like this. Love that jasper can see Alice and Edward are probably mates. Awesome
4/4/2017 c3 Peacelovefairy
I like hope to read more soon
3/28/2017 c3 Babysis64
this was another good chapter I thought. Wow what Edward said and what he got back wouldn't that be explanation enough I would think so. Thank you for sharing what you did and have a good week.
3/27/2017 c1 Babysis64
wow so Jacob and Bella are soul mates, is that why Jacob said he didn't want to give up on her glad he didn't. Now I do hope that they will be very happy right.
3/24/2017 c3 1Yazlee7313
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