Just In
for Shinji Ikari, The Leviathan's Curse

9/10/2016 c1 XXX Chaos Breaker XXX
The first chapter looks really great so far I know the sacred gear going to be interesting I am looking forward to seeing more
9/10/2016 c1 Alex2909
interesting story idea, wonder who the goddess was at the beginning
9/10/2016 c1 Praenuntia Exitii
This... has promise. An excellent beginning, and I eagerly await to see where you take it.
9/10/2016 c1 Vercingetorix Rex
very good chapter
9/10/2016 c1 5fangs of death
This is extremely good.
9/10/2016 c1 War Historian-Freedom2134
I really enjoyed this chapter. I say that Asuka should be a bit more of a polite girl and be a pawn. I also think that Shinji should have at least a four girl harem. That harem would include Sona, Serafall, Rei, and Gabriel.
9/10/2016 c1 The Tell-Tale Man
Excellent first chapter you've done there with Shinji becoming a devil with Serafall, so please keep updating soon and take care.
9/10/2016 c1 LinkKokiriFan94
Great story idea and awesome chapter, like always!
I really liked how you gave Shinji a powerful lineage but then sealed it away, maybe it could be an entire arc later on?
Please update soon on this amazing story.
9/10/2016 c1 maestro de la flama blanca
great story I loved and wanted to read the next chapter. P.D. this message is translated from Spanish to English with google translator. P.D. 2 this story was read using the google translator.
9/10/2016 c1 OldManCain
Amazing concept. Great writing. I love what you've done and look forward to more from you.
9/10/2016 c1 Squadpunk 2.0
A 'messy' beginning, but in a good way. And it looks like Shinji is being head hunted by an angel...
9/10/2016 c1 FateBurn
Excellent start and story concept so far, I really like Serafall and love when her character is expanded upon by authors, can't wait for more please continue soon.
9/10/2016 c1 Guest
People overestimate the strength of small children. Or underestimate the strength of bone. Dismemberment is hard. It takes a lot of strength. A 5 year old can't do it, especially not with leverage all screwed up due to knee and abdominal injuries. If it sufficiently satisfied "rule of cool" i could ignore it, but that scene is fairly gratuitous and not dynamic and energetic enough to pull it off. He should have just run for his life and been slaughtered and left for dead, Serafall barely arriving in time to save him.

If you dialled up the age to a teen you might be able to pull it off a little better.
9/10/2016 c1 shintablack
interesting start. can't wait to see where you take this
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