Just In
for Love Beyond Death Book 1: Wicked Twilight

9/17/2016 c5 Osen-san
This story is really entertaining for me, I really like it and I can't wait to see what happens when Alice and Jasper meet their mates for the first time. I can't wait to see what happens next! So please update soon! : )
9/16/2016 c5 4P.S. Alexanzondria
I love this one! This is so freaking great, and the visions are perfect.
9/15/2016 c4 P.S. Alexanzondria
Hey hey! You should have a picture of Auralie and Amelia in there, when they're like, fourteen, or LOOK fourteen, and Carlisle recognizes her, and has his own little joke, like "just wait until I tell Garrett, he'll be so annoyed" Or something, just an idea.
9/14/2016 c3 P.S. Alexanzondria
Hey! Great addition to the story, with the haunted house and all! You posting any other one soon?
9/11/2016 c2 P.S. Alexanzondria
See! This is such a good plot line already! I'm so jealous of your writing. - I love the touch on the past, I'm not so good at flashbacks as you are.
9/10/2016 c1 P.S. Alexanzondria
I LOOOOOOOVE it, my dearest Amelia! It is amazing, and I do hope that you will take this to heart when I say I'm jealous of your writing- don't take it to heart when I say I hate you because you are so perfect at this!

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