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for Forged

1/11/2018 c1 SkiesofGray
This is perfect! Exactly how the season should have ended.
12/13/2016 c1 78EphemeralSakura
Amazing! I'm currently in love with Shaleb and your fic made me incredibly happy and really sad at the same time! T.T poor Caleb... I'm sure he will recover with her by his side!
Thank you very much for this!
11/5/2016 c1 Fictionalist
Come on, where's the next part where the get all sexual lol
10/2/2016 c1 1MRoseK
awe! I love this!
9/13/2016 c1 11MamzelleHermy
I loved this little one shot! It took a long time but I do love Shelby and Caleb's relationship! They deserve to be together!

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