Just In
for The Unknown Defender

8/21 c19 1pizzawolf55
Good story
8/17 c10 Guest
"'Whatever race it was, it had five fingers, was incredibly strong, and skilled in combat. It was undoubtedly male, a very big and strong warrior male."'- Well Tali seems to be developing a crush how cute.

Also is that motherfucking BT?
7/31 c19 Next Chapter
Its been a year release the next chapter jackass
7/4 c19 I love creative fanfiction
please update
7/1 c19 techdud227
Keep it up!
6/10 c19 8Obiben27
Will you be continuing this story. Just read it and want it to be continued. This is fantastic and is well written. Please do not abandon this
6/4 c2 Guest
I actually read this story a long while back when it was in its infancy and was extremely happy when I found out that it was being updated still(I read the story back when it only had about 30k or 50k words) and have started rereading it, so I can 100% say that this story is an easy 10/10, keep up the good work!
6/4 c2 Guest
I actually read this story a long while back when it was in its infancy and was extremely happy when I found out that it was being updated still(I read the story back when it only had about 30k or 50k words) and have started rereading it, so I can 100% say that this story is an easy 10/10, keep up the good work!
5/27 c1 Charles
Tempting murphy's law was banned by official UNSC protocol is by far the greatest addition to Halo lore that could ever be!
5/26 c19 taintedahab
I Hope this isn’t a dead fic because you have one hell of a set up cliff hanger here
A Geth civil war goes hot
The Geth are actually gonna be the ones to bring Shepard back
The Justiciar is alerted that there may be some eldritch fuckery in the galaxy
We have a rebel Reaper on the run
And that’s before we even get to The Chief and company
Most the other halo/ME authors wish they were half as imaginative
5/19 c19 15GatsuBerk
more plz
5/13 c19 BayerClan
Nice can’t wait for new chapters
5/12 c19 FalseProphet75
Im glad Morinth, even in her appalling state, knew not to f**k around with the Flood.
5/11 c19 I love creative fanfiction
please update
5/9 c19 1Mgl1206
Damn this story is really good and altoguh the slow is so agonizingly slow its good. A shame it hasnt been updated in months.
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