Just In
for Devils Forbidden Love

11/7/2017 c1 5Nella Moonblood Royalle
ohh dear globerssss excited for moarrrr ganbatte nee author-sama! long live Yullen!
10/24/2016 c1 38SpiritofLove961
Oooo, I'm going to like this story! Please update soon; I can't wait for the next chapter!

Love, Spirit
10/7/2016 c1 Guest
Oooo it's so lovely I can't wait to read more
10/8/2016 c1 Ryuakilover
This is very interesting fiction and totally have a good plot
10/7/2016 c1 kirayamapi
Jesus I need more of thiiiis
10/7/2016 c1 dlt-acct-pls
Ooooh I'm loving this start!
10/7/2016 c1 10jy24
This is a great chapter 1, I really hope that this will continue till the end and also please update the other stories you have, I really want to know what happens next.
10/7/2016 c1 FinkGirl
Yaaay you're back! And with a new story omg yeeessss! I can't wait to see what happens, the summary was already catchy enough and the first chapter is so nice! Thank you for sharing this~ I look forward to the next chapter!
10/7/2016 c1 sherryfanfic1999
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! I'm so happy. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! i LOVE IT. i feel like I just won an award. Thank you Kyla-chan! This story feel sexy already. Kanda is Bad-ass. Love that. Allen's so diabetes inducing(ly) sweet he can cure all sin. Thank you again for keeping me in your thoughts.

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