Just In
for The Broken Knight's Reward

9/4/2018 c1 Transformium
it is indeed well made though you should add more complex words to describe how they feel and you should fix your grammar
8/19/2017 c1 2Aerophira
I love it... Thank you, Cyber.
7/26/2017 c1 4Kc4229
Not bad, I like the battle scared Jaune(if I can manage to sleep that is, I tried 3 times to get his name right). Went a tad fast but I like it brings it is a one shot. Good work!
12/16/2016 c1 31blaiseingfire
Cinder's death was brutal, 10/10
10/17/2016 c1 goddy80119
good end
always nice ;_;

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