12/23/2024 c11
I tried reading the start of the chapter, but I just didnt care. The way you handled the entire DoM affair was just really atrocious to me, and I lost interest in the story. The characterizations also got lazy in the end of 10 and start of 11. I'm outta the popsicle stand. I dont think your story writing approach of DoM predestination worked with how you wrote the rest of the story, and the entire thing honestly feels like a waste of time where you were setting up something else for 8 chapters and then you had to hit a storyboard check box.

I tried reading the start of the chapter, but I just didnt care. The way you handled the entire DoM affair was just really atrocious to me, and I lost interest in the story. The characterizations also got lazy in the end of 10 and start of 11. I'm outta the popsicle stand. I dont think your story writing approach of DoM predestination worked with how you wrote the rest of the story, and the entire thing honestly feels like a waste of time where you were setting up something else for 8 chapters and then you had to hit a storyboard check box.
12/23/2024 c10 bleachorange
Honestly? I feel this rendition of events is asinine. Tonks was literally warned about the Ministry, and then got sent a message, and they still took that long? Look, I get from your authors note that the ministry happening was the plan all along but I think you went about it in a dumb way. It was highly contrived, and didnt really feel like events flowed naturally. I cant say its a good take on the core concept.
Honestly? I feel this rendition of events is asinine. Tonks was literally warned about the Ministry, and then got sent a message, and they still took that long? Look, I get from your authors note that the ministry happening was the plan all along but I think you went about it in a dumb way. It was highly contrived, and didnt really feel like events flowed naturally. I cant say its a good take on the core concept.
12/16/2024 c6 Guest
11/22/2024 c2 dixonjason403
oh god, im now remembering just how retarded harry acted in book 5. all he had to do was tell any teacher, fuckin hell even snape probably woulda stepped in.
oh god, im now remembering just how retarded harry acted in book 5. all he had to do was tell any teacher, fuckin hell even snape probably woulda stepped in.
11/22/2024 c1 dixonjason403
look i like tonks, but holy shit did this chapter make her look incompetent as fuck. harry and friends were doing fine enough beforehand, but tonks gets dropped like a sack of shit 5 seconds after she gets there...after tripping down some stairs. (i know shes canonically clumsy but that aint exactly helping to beat the incompetence allegations)
look i like tonks, but holy shit did this chapter make her look incompetent as fuck. harry and friends were doing fine enough beforehand, but tonks gets dropped like a sack of shit 5 seconds after she gets there...after tripping down some stairs. (i know shes canonically clumsy but that aint exactly helping to beat the incompetence allegations)
11/8/2024 c8 Guest
10/21/2024 c4 N7SPARTAN-Commander-Jay117
I know you said the 'Rules' were a Zombieland with a Mad-Eye twist but so far they read like Gibbs Rules from NCIS, you know? Great read so far.
I know you said the 'Rules' were a Zombieland with a Mad-Eye twist but so far they read like Gibbs Rules from NCIS, you know? Great read so far.
4/2/2024 c12 Ilana Vitoria
Estou amando a fic, ela é muito envolvente e confesso que você arrasou ao juntar Ron e Luna, é uma combinação surpreendente que deu super certo, estou ansiosa para os próximos capítulos.
Estou amando a fic, ela é muito envolvente e confesso que você arrasou ao juntar Ron e Luna, é uma combinação surpreendente que deu super certo, estou ansiosa para os próximos capítulos.
3/29/2024 c4 MRGwrites
it's peek ... something, when one is worried about demeaning a race of fantasy creatures. i suppose you're a card carrying member of spew?
it's peek ... something, when one is worried about demeaning a race of fantasy creatures. i suppose you're a card carrying member of spew?