Just In
for Rumors

8/27/2017 c1 LeChick
Love it!
1/3/2017 c1 24fluffykitty12
Nice Roy/Edward bonding. :)
11/25/2016 c1 45Gotaru

I apologize for the use of the "F" word, but this is sooooo good...

I wish that I could give Favorite to it more than once. But oh, well... Great job! :D

And I, undoubtedly, would hurt someone really bad too if I ever heard them talk in that way about MY little Al. Oh, how blood will flood the world...
10/27/2016 c1 57YAJJ
Ahhhh this was so good! I loved it! Honestly Ed is bae (I was surprised he kept his temper as long as he did!) and Roy is extra bae. I loved his character. You were so spot tf on with it. It was amazing. And he just shows tf up out of nowhere like? My dude this is so you. Amazing. I loved it. I can't wait to read more from you!
10/18/2016 c1 2kassc
Aww this is so sweet I love it! :)
10/18/2016 c1 41sierra.steinbrecher
Oh, Mustang's entrance was perfect.
10/17/2016 c1 8Attackoneverything
That was cute XD
XD Loved the last line XD
10/17/2016 c1 10Sokkasm
Aww, this was cute. I like how you wrote them, I believe you're portraying them quite accurately. Well done!

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