Just In
for Rise of the Sarutobi Clan

6/16/2023 c2 Guest
really, Dante?
6/16/2023 c4 KingOfEmptyness
this shit is unreadable, everybody talks and acts like npc not to mention the creepiness and stupidity of the mc
6/16/2023 c2 KingOfEmptyness
the shit about him trying to lust his mother was REALLY disturbing, the fuck also your characters though processes suck.
12/26/2022 c25 DarkBan
Hey there, i just read this whole story, had a day to kill xD

Shame you stopped, but it was GREAT entertainment while it lasted, thanks for the time and effort you put into this, hope you're doing well :)
9/5/2022 c1 Guest
This is disgusting
5/20/2022 c1 Brother V
I wish you get blowed up by ISIS
5/12/2022 c5 danielkid50
Wtf. I think you have your naruto powerlevels wrong...
3/29/2022 c1 Guest
Worshippers of Allah sure have explosive tempers...
3/1/2022 c24 Emyat
I'm glad you discontinued this
after the introduction of the generation of miracles
I'm out it goes from a light hearted crazy journey to a serious sometimes fun sad story
you shouldn't have come back to continuing this from your 1 year break for you didn't have the same mentality as when you where actively working on this.
1/9/2022 c1 Daddy Shmurda
You piece of human shit bloody naaier
12/20/2021 c19 1Gaia N. Terra
Ahhh- noooo~ this two is like Sasuke and Sakura huhu-
12/18/2021 c19 Gaia N. Terra
Ahhh- noooo~ this two is like Sasuke and Sakura huhu-
10/25/2021 c1 HaggardHobo
please continue.
5/2/2021 c25 Martial.Fantasy
This is peak comedy thanks for this. Have fun writing more.
1/31/2021 c4 Undercover487
Good Chapter, but the story seems childish. anyway thanks for the effort appreciate it mate.
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