Just In
for The Sidekick

10/28/2016 c5 dhnysports88
want to see her reaction to finding out
10/28/2016 c5 34FlowerChild23
This is so funny. I was cracking up laughing please update soon can't wait to see what happens next
10/28/2016 c5 syed
I could totally see her being a fan of spider man. Possibly having a crush on him. So we might see over protective daddy stark. I wonder if the first father daughter bonding activity would be building small spider bots or drones. This girl likes tasers and spiders, so would Tony get Mia some of her widow stingers.
Imagine if Tony and Mia entered those robot battling competitions. I think there is a competition for the best potato gun. Boxcar racing, where Mia will crush Tony in any race.
10/28/2016 c5 6Esha Napoleon
Great chapter.
10/26/2016 c4 Winter kiss
Love this story! Hope you update soon! ;)
10/25/2016 c4 TheWarden101
loving this so far keep goin
10/23/2016 c4 Esha Napoleon
Awesome chapter.
10/23/2016 c4 syed
Will we see a touching Hawkeyes moment where he discusses his family with Tony? Possibly set up some play dates, or a safe location for emergencies.
I wonder if Mia has built a taser for self protection. I want to see her being epic.
10/23/2016 c3 2chelsnichole12
Hahaha I love this! It's awesome! Can't wait for more!
10/22/2016 c3 6Esha Napoleon
Awesome chapter.
10/21/2016 c2 Esha Napoleon
Awesome story 3
10/20/2016 c2 syed
I am hopping dummy is still intact, he would be an epic partner in crime for her.
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