Just In
for A Drunken Marriage With Chocolate Liqueurs

6/8/2020 c2 xXKentonHatakeXx
Get better man. I know what it's like having disabilities. And sorry about your mom. Moms are on of the most important people in a man's life, from childhood to adult. Hope you feel better soon.
2/14/2018 c2 5Saraak
Regards to your mother.
9/24/2017 c2 Ashalim
Sorry... I feel bad for your mother but i wish the best for you
9/24/2017 c1 Ouroboros Dracoi
I can't say that i know what you're feeling, but i wish you te best of lucks.
pd:you're a very good writer.
9/22/2017 c2 RisingSilverDragon
I wish you good luck
9/22/2017 c2 1Luther Cross
Good luck man, i had family lost to cancer so i know how hard it will be, peace be with you and may you spirit find harmony as life pitches everything it can to you.
9/22/2017 c2 EndymionXIII
Well wait for you, and I hope you find a way through this bad luck life has given you
9/22/2017 c2 Stratos263
Good luck with your family
9/22/2017 c2 Doctoroftrouble7
I am sorry for all the bad that has happened.
9/22/2017 c2 Guest
I'm so so sorry to hear that. I wish I could help in some way. Please give your mom my best wishes. Just go be with her now though okay. If you need someone to just talk to, please message me okay? I don't really know what else to say except if you need support at anytime, we're here for you
7/26/2017 c1 10Venom Spirit
Oh I could do with more of this. please?
7/23/2017 c1 4Kc4229
Oh shit! That ending tho! Great story keep up the great work my friend!
6/15/2017 c1 5SpookySeasoning
Please continue if possible.
3/23/2017 c1 Rebmul
heheheehhee cant wait for the next chapter
3/11/2017 c1 GrammarInspector
Looooool OMG what is this English? This is both a Grammer teachers worst nightmare and a Grammer Nazi's wet dream, it's so bad.
Haha, ahhhh, but all joking aside. Kinda of a shacky startup. But, eh, it's a goofy fanfic there's only so much to expect.
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