4/4/2019 c3 Daughter of Trickery
This is really well written and realistic. Please dont abandon this story.
This is really well written and realistic. Please dont abandon this story.
8/6/2018 c3 Prodigal Knight
Ehh, let's just keep her human. Even if you don't play by Meyer's rules, it be a shit show. Admittedly, I'm looking for stories for characters staying human and the shenanigans they get up to being just friends with he Cullens, so I'm biased.
Ehh, let's just keep her human. Even if you don't play by Meyer's rules, it be a shit show. Admittedly, I'm looking for stories for characters staying human and the shenanigans they get up to being just friends with he Cullens, so I'm biased.
3/4/2018 c2 DarkAngelEmz
Please continue to write this story it is so good and amazing and deserves to be written
Please continue to write this story it is so good and amazing and deserves to be written
2/11/2018 c2 TheOneKrafter
I agree with the guest below me to an extent, but it's your story do as you wish. I can't wait to see how you continue this, (even if it's been a while since you updated lol) Have a nice day!
I agree with the guest below me to an extent, but it's your story do as you wish. I can't wait to see how you continue this, (even if it's been a while since you updated lol) Have a nice day!
4/9/2017 c2 Dinno
Oh, please, please, not a werewolf bite. I actually like Gabby, but a being werewolf would ruin her as a character, not to mention she'd be the single biggest threat to the secrecy of the supernatural - as she'd have absolutely no control over herself during a full moon. She'd be eliminated post haste.
Oh, please, please, not a werewolf bite. I actually like Gabby, but a being werewolf would ruin her as a character, not to mention she'd be the single biggest threat to the secrecy of the supernatural - as she'd have absolutely no control over herself during a full moon. She'd be eliminated post haste.
1/9/2017 c2 AcetaBells
This is so great! Gabby is such a fun character and I love the twin aspect! I hope you continue to write this :)
This is so great! Gabby is such a fun character and I love the twin aspect! I hope you continue to write this :)
1/9/2017 c2
Cette attaque chien Loup-garou...est un peu débile. Cela n'importe rien à l'histoire.

Cette attaque chien Loup-garou...est un peu débile. Cela n'importe rien à l'histoire.
11/26/2016 c2
3Nameless Fable
I think it would be very interesting to see an OC that was an actual werewolf but the only thing about that is if she gets with any of the vampires (ship wise) how would that come into play? (Smell wise ect) also I'd be worried about Caius giving that in the books it was noted that he went on a huge werewolf killing spree and caused the 'children of the moon' to go extinct. Still though, I think it'd be very interesting to read. I can't wait to read more about Gabby, please update soon! :D

I think it would be very interesting to see an OC that was an actual werewolf but the only thing about that is if she gets with any of the vampires (ship wise) how would that come into play? (Smell wise ect) also I'd be worried about Caius giving that in the books it was noted that he went on a huge werewolf killing spree and caused the 'children of the moon' to go extinct. Still though, I think it'd be very interesting to read. I can't wait to read more about Gabby, please update soon! :D
11/21/2016 c2 Guest
You had her worry about being Mary Sue and then made her kinda Mary Sue... just a bit annoying. Apart from the wolf part I liked it.
You had her worry about being Mary Sue and then made her kinda Mary Sue... just a bit annoying. Apart from the wolf part I liked it.
11/17/2016 c2 Guest
Great story curious to see where this is going. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter.
Great story curious to see where this is going. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter.
11/16/2016 c2
Please, oh god, please dont let her be a werewolf.. the reborn sister always ends up having something else special.. shes a witch, or mutant, she was kidnapped, shes somehow a shifter.. blah blah blah.. i love her sass, please dont do this.
How cool is it that someone so ordinary and Human can still have the guts to stand up to something she has no real chance against outside of cunning, careful planning, and dumb luck. Plus it adds more of a challenge when she has to fight against the supernatural to protect her sister.

Please, oh god, please dont let her be a werewolf.. the reborn sister always ends up having something else special.. shes a witch, or mutant, she was kidnapped, shes somehow a shifter.. blah blah blah.. i love her sass, please dont do this.
How cool is it that someone so ordinary and Human can still have the guts to stand up to something she has no real chance against outside of cunning, careful planning, and dumb luck. Plus it adds more of a challenge when she has to fight against the supernatural to protect her sister.