Just In
for Exploring Science with Magic

7/7 c5 3WhiteElfElder
I wonder if Harry ascended would he be higher than the existing highest?
7/7 c3 WhiteElfElder
Voldemort v1.5 is going to find out that he is a moron for going against Harry.
7/7 c2 WhiteElfElder
I hope the freed Asurans give some filled potentia to Harry for Atlantis. I wonder if there is a way to force the angry Asurans to do a code update to match Fred?
2/17 c4 amerikhan786
Trash, Gary Stu Harry.
12/5/2023 c5 13Olaf74
AAAAAAMAZING! Please write more!
9/14/2022 c4 mostcommentsimakearebullshit
That girl better not be slut ginny
9/13/2022 c2 mostcommentsimakearebullshit
Who cares about know it all, lazy jealous dumb ass, gold digger slut, banshee Molly, and dumbasadoor. They all probably in on dumbasadoor plans!
7/2/2022 c5 kristinamanga
C'est quand la suite de l'histoire ? x)
9/6/2018 c5 Arsenal
Change your title. Your story has nothing to do with exploring science with magic. There was no exploring. There was little science. And the magic is negligible.
9/6/2018 c3 Arsenal
Prank this, prank that. It's so boring.

Your title gave me false hope. Where is the science exploration? I haven't seen any.
8/11/2018 c5 scorpin17
love it
7/14/2018 c5 Guest
fucking shit don't read
5/4/2018 c5 1Pushi19
Update it soon please
4/29/2018 c5 Guest
2/4/2018 c5 delatrix
An amazing snippet of a story. I'm sad that you're already working
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