Just In
for White Lies

3/30/2021 c12 PrismRootStarlight
Really enjoying this so far! Excited to see what you have planned! xD
1/6/2019 c11 1Lizzy Lizard Snape
Love Ridley outburst. Snape was clearly enjoying her frustration on Neering and riddle with love potion ;) please update soon :)
10/18/2018 c11 8Littlecosma001
I think this is actually pretty amazing and have enjoyed your story so far :) I really like your Oc and can't wait to know more of her backstory in later chapters!
8/24/2018 c10 2Amarenima Redwood
Brilliant chapter!
4/21/2018 c9 14gr8rockstarrox
I’ve really enjoyed this story so far, and look forward to reading more!
4/19/2018 c9 Guest
I'm glad for the update.
4/19/2018 c9 1toledor
this is good this is niCE me gusta insert obligatory pls update comment here
3/20/2018 c8 Guest
Love your Story!
2/4/2017 c6 1Lizzy Lizard Snape
Thanks for update! I'm very bad at revious but I really like your story. Good luck in writting :)
2/3/2017 c6 Guest
I really enjoy this fanfiction! I like how there is a clear prejudice between the others in Hogwarts and the Slytherins, I think that it probably would be like that because of the stigma with the house. Anyway good job on the story!
1/28/2017 c1 Zooe
Aa I like it! Please TBC :)
12/9/2016 c5 2Amarenima Redwood
Brilliant chapter! And, you're welcome!
12/7/2016 c5 Guest
I wonder how this will progress
12/3/2016 c4 Amarenima Redwood
Great start to the story! Update soon!
11/6/2016 c2 1Lizzy Lizard Snape
Nice begining :) especially this interaction with Snape. Please write more !

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