Just In
for Heartbreak

11/3/2016 c1 3Mariamo
Poor Dean, how he even keeps breathing is beyond me.
10/28/2016 c1 355LadyWallace
This was a really nice (if very sad) introspective into Dean's character. It's really horrible to put all of this together and really see how much he's gone through :( But OMG that episode killed me. How could Mary do that to her boys? And how Dean couldn't even look at her? And the thing that always hurt Dean most is that people always leave him, and she did that so soon after they got her back. Just when you think everything's okay…
I was thinking though, that the only person who never really left them was Bobby. Even when he died, he stuck around as a ghost until he couldn't anymore. Another reason I think he was a better father than John ever was.
But anyway, great one-shot :)
10/28/2016 c1 67LilyBolt
That episode broke my heart along with Dean's, and here you've illustrated exactly why it had such an affect. The life Dean has lived, and the losses and suffering he's endured... He deserved just this one thing. Just the one good thing. When Mary left I could practically HEAR the cracking of that heart of his which has been through far too much - far more than it ever deserved to. I hope that Sam and Cas can help him to mend it again somehow. I hope that Mary might someday choose to. But my point here is that you understood the emotions which drove that final scene of 12x03 "The Foundry", and you crafted a beautifully painful story to make it all that much clearer. Excellent work. I think I'll go cry in a corner now. lol

P.S. My favorite line was this one:

"Amara gave him the one thing that he could never fix."

I love that you pointed out Dean didn't choose to bring his mother back. It was a gift from Amara, something he truly believed could never have been fixed no matter how much he wished it could. Then to have it all fall apart in the way it did just after he thought it was finally ok... Oh, the deep, deep pain of this one. :o
10/28/2016 c1 waitingforAslan
Ouch! Again and again and again. Shattered doesn't begin to describe what has happened to Dean's heart. This is a thoughtful and respectful overview of the emotional battering he's endured throughout his life. I like how you honored each time by acknowledging loss after loss, and I like how you specified that sometimes the impact was a little different. (On a personal note, I didn't cry for three hours, but I couldn't stop thinking about it ALL DAY at work. I'm so upset for Dean!)
10/28/2016 c1 203hollyhobbit101
I don't know about Dean, now my heart is broken. Gah, my feels! This is so beautiful and perfect and tragic and ugh I'm going to cry in a minute.
10/28/2016 c1 74TiTivillus
Dawww. I feel Dean's pain. He really needs a hug, doesn't he? I cannot get over the pained expression on Dean's face and the way he stumbled back out of reach when Mary tried to approach him. Love what you did with this! Thanks for sharing :)

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