Just In
for Let it Burn

9/24 c5 7ColaForTita
And in that moment, when she catches fire, Charlie knew he was done for. Agh! I love this story. Have to say it started my love for CharliexHermione pairings. So priceless. So overlooked. But so right! Eep. I’ll read it again and again.
9/8 c12 Dramionelover394
Back for another read of this. I'd love for it to be updated again. It's just as amazing as I remembered it being the first time. Thank you for your hard work.
8/23 c12 boo23
This is such a great fic. I love the world building and the evolving global plot. Amy will get hers and Hermione and Charlie living together. I can’t wait.
I know it’s been a while for an update but this is the second time I’ve read this in the last couple days. Just discovered Hermione/charlie fics and I NEED to read more. Please update soon. Thank you for your amazing work.
5/12 c12 CecilyPRA14
OMG. I love this story. Keeping my fingers crossed you come back to it!
5/7 c12 nintschibintschi
Amazing thanks for sharing
3/28 c12 Guest
I’m beyond obsessed with this story, and have been following it for over 6 years. Would love it if you could please please PLEASE update soon!
3/13 c12 Bre
Do you ever finish your stories?
1/21 c12 Guest
You have such a way with words. Would love to read more!
1/17 c12 7WindSongEnchantment
Would absolutely LOVE to seemore of this some day! :)
10/23/2023 c12 2Light on the Horizon
Great story so far!
9/19/2023 c12 acommodo
please continue this!
9/18/2023 c12 AsakiYuukihime
please continue this
8/1/2023 c12 Gabrielle Pouchin
a sequel please
7/10/2023 c12 jackyfloresq2001
can't wait for the next chapter
6/30/2023 c11 Catatina
Pease update! It’s been 3 years! Please please please!
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