Just In
for The Walking Contradiction

12/18/2023 c4 LittleBoyDeath
Please continue!
10/9/2023 c4 thea11
A quand la suite ?
8/22/2022 c4 kristinamanga
J'adore, c'est quand la suite de l'histoire ? x)
10/4/2021 c1 Spade Zi
Just a Spade casually dropping by
8/4/2021 c4 8Sly Legion117
Lost muse all together? Never update again?
4/12/2021 c4 Laureen Strika
Please more updates!
12/20/2020 c1 Alexa Garcia
Dam it why must you use big words
5/23/2020 c4 8AutumnBee124
Hope you are doing well, sleep is important. Anyways nice story. I like it so far. Great plot by the way.
5/9/2020 c4 hirokakera
actualiza pronto porfis
5/9/2020 c4 Insanus.Triangulum
is a new chapter coming soon?
1/4/2020 c4 1Foxie3366
I. Can’t. Wait. For. The. Next. Update.
I. Want. To. See. What. Bassy. Thinks. Of. Harry.
10/9/2019 c4 animerule64
Add more chapters please
9/18/2019 c4 vrani140
continue, please
7/11/2019 c4 1dead feather
I feel like this pace is already lagging though it was nicr to Harry baking with his death. The plot idea is interesting. Hopefully it wont totally turn into crack.
6/28/2019 c4 Cat
Oooh. The story continues! Thank you for the update! I certainly wait for more.
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