12/20/2020 c1 Alexa Garcia
Dam it why must you use big words
Dam it why must you use big words
5/23/2020 c4 8AutumnBee124
Hope you are doing well, sleep is important. Anyways nice story. I like it so far. Great plot by the way.
Hope you are doing well, sleep is important. Anyways nice story. I like it so far. Great plot by the way.
1/4/2020 c4 1Foxie3366
I. Can’t. Wait. For. The. Next. Update.
I. Want. To. See. What. Bassy. Thinks. Of. Harry.
I. Can’t. Wait. For. The. Next. Update.
I. Want. To. See. What. Bassy. Thinks. Of. Harry.
7/11/2019 c4 1dead feather
I feel like this pace is already lagging though it was nicr to Harry baking with his death. The plot idea is interesting. Hopefully it wont totally turn into crack.
I feel like this pace is already lagging though it was nicr to Harry baking with his death. The plot idea is interesting. Hopefully it wont totally turn into crack.
6/28/2019 c4 Cat
Oooh. The story continues! Thank you for the update! I certainly wait for more.
Oooh. The story continues! Thank you for the update! I certainly wait for more.