Just In
for Learning to sing

12/30/2023 c6 ReviewerPops
I think this was adorable. Simurgh Momma don't give a fuck if you hurt her baby. xD Taylor's powers turning on a little bit at a time.

Omake - Taylor on a field trip out of state where a group of villains attacks their group. Taylor's mom, "Mhm right right and you said WHICH villain group did this? MHM I see. *couple months later* This just in. The Simurgh's attack on Portland Washington has resulted in a now defunct supervillain group known as the Elite. Meanwhile Simurgh at home cuddling with the fam is super smug.
5/26/2022 c1 O Sancte Deus
ahhh a ridiculously naive Taylor who is also an idiot, but has overpowered abilities and what sounds like the resilience of her mum. Sooo this isn't like a classic anime protagonist or anything (total ditz with massive power)... pathetic
5/21/2022 c6 Spectrum Search
really wish there was more of this, I don't see an update date so I assume this was all published at once. It was really good while it lasted
12/24/2021 c6 Guest
Hey, I saw this on SV! It was garbage there too. No surprise on that front, literally everything that comes from that pile of degenerate idiots is shit.
9/16/2021 c6 adam110902
great story
3/13/2021 c5 Only Balgony
Human Endbringers: You’ve taken everything from us!
Eidolon, genuinely confused: I don’t even know who you are?!
10/15/2020 c6 wildfastfree
[Falls on hands and knees in supplication]
Continue it please?
4/2/2020 c6 the-lost-memories6
Good story
6/26/2019 c4 Cheshirek3t
people are going to start comparing her to the Simurgh, claiming that she's Ziz's daughter and other such nonsense,

inconspicuous whistling time
6/26/2019 c3 Cheshirek3t
Well... dis gon' be fun
6/26/2019 c1 Cheshirek3t
Name: Lex
Power: Shipping
Rating: Thinker 8
Shaker 6
3/4/2019 c6 L.E
This is a really awesome story! Please continue!
8/10/2018 c6 REDACTED
This is a really fun story, I just wish there were more chapters... Ziz apparently makes an awesome mom and Ender!Taylor is adorable. That said, if she ends up kidnapped I pity her kidnappers.
10/9/2017 c6 A Reader
Please continue this story is awesome!
8/27/2017 c6 185Quatermass
Good story. Please continue.
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