Just In
for The Royal Protector

11/19/2024 c8 Anti-Virtue
darn xD I really liked this fic, this cleaved personality star is amazing
11/6/2024 c4 fazimuzi956
this actually really good story... keep it up
7/21/2024 c8 Snake551g
Well sad to see this probably dropped. Do hope it can make a come back somehow.
5/20/2024 c2 14ScarfedWriter
Britt got NTRed xD
5/18/2024 c8 Guest
I'm still waiting for this.
3/27/2024 c1 1FanzoIII
even though this story well not be continuing,it was one of the best Story i have read, hope you have a wonderful day.
10/7/2023 c8 1Knighthunter911700
It was fun reading this, unfortunately the last season was a bummer and as it shows a lot of writers lost interest. Truly unfortunate, but what can be done.

Thank you for this wonderful read, and good luck on future endeavours.
3/9/2023 c8 23KILLROZE
it's just too bad that this story seems to be forgotten, I can understand though. wherever you are in your life and your journey, I really hope that all is well I just stumbled upon your story after it being more than 4 years since an update
3/9/2023 c4 KILLROZE
That's probably the longest chapter I've ever had to read in my fucking life. amazing, however, genuinely amazing work. I haven't read many star versus the forces of evil fanfictions, usually I am up here for other fan fictions, but this is by far the best written I have seen so far. truly a blessing.
3/7/2023 c2 Guest
My brain are burning
11/29/2022 c8 dmitriivanadis
This is the best story of this fandom that I have ever read. I hope that you will be able to continue to please readers with your creativity. No matter how much time has passed, we will wait for you Author-san.
11/15/2022 c8 6Bazinga007
Also, I feel like I owe you an apology. The beginning of my own SVTFOV story is really similar to the beginning of this story. I swear, I wasn't trying to rip you off, that's just how it turned out. What can I say, great minds think alike, I guess.
11/15/2022 c8 Bazinga007
Damn, this is good. Real GOT vibe and I love it. The whole split personality thing is cleverly done and you write Marco and the rest of the characters really well. I truly hope you hop back on this story, I really enjoyed reading it. And 2k likes and follows? You almost have to at this point.
4/11/2022 c4 Urivor
you know, im not quite sure if i read this so long ago Xenoblade 2 wasn't out yet or i just didn't make the connection, but rereading this one it really feels like a pyra/mythra but in reverse order

anyho still a great read! hope u still alive
3/13/2022 c8 famfgotgames
and we havent got an update sinse lmao
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